For example I remember a big red book that had lots of children's stories in it including one about a pink rabbit that was shivering (it turned out to be made of pink jelly) and a brother and sister where the brother was allowed to cut the cake, but the sister would be the one to pick who had which part. I have no idea which book they are from, but they have stuck will me all these years.
However, there are a couple of books I do remember very clearly. One was Grimm's complete Fairy Tales (I'm not sure what edition) and I absolutely loved those stories. I'm sure my love of fantasy started with them, although it would not grow until a few years later. The other set of books I remember from that young age are the My Naught Little Sister stories by Dorothy Edwards. I was most struck by when she ate all the silver balls off a cake :).
My parents always encouraged us to read and always read us bedtime stories and I have appreciated the written word ever since. I must admit I was almost put off that one year when, for Christmas, Sophie (my twin) was given three lovely different books and I got three copies of Little Women. I can only think that everyone decided we were the right age and I was the oldest so I was given Little Women. I have held a grudge against that book ever since.
Here's another confession, I have never really liked the traditional literary classics like Dickens and Austin. I have quite a dislike for Dickens actually, except his ghost stories, but I think that may be to do with being forced to study Great Expectations at school. Although I love Shakespeare; but then who doesn't like dirty jokes and lots of violent death? ;)
However, there is one classic I do love and that is The Hobbit by J.R.R.Tolkien. This is the book that bloomed my love for fantasy. To be honest I have never actually read it myself. It was read to us at primary school when I was about seven and it created a love for epic fantasy in me that has never gone away. The ideas and races and the quest settled in my bones and that was the moment I knew I wanted to write as well as read.
Speaking of the Hobbit, does anyone else think there may have been a primary school version of the book, or at least an agreement between primary school teachers about where to stop reading? I didn't know half the dwarves died for years, as far as I was concerned the story ended when they got the mountain back and beat the dragon and, having spoken to some friends, as children they thought the same.
There are many other books I read and loved as a child, but these are the ones that always stand out in my mind.
What are you favourite childhood books? Do you remember the book that first made you love reading?