Okay, so I've talked about Amazon and the fact it is not the only option for eBooks and now I'm going to talk about one of the other brilliant alternatives:
All Wittegen Press books are available from Smashwords.
Smashwords is superb, not only for readers of eBooks, but for authors/publishers as well. It is a mine of Indie publishers and self-pub authors that all should check out.
You have to have bought a book to review it, which is also useful from an author and a reader persepctive. For the author, no spam reviews, for the reader, you know if someone reviewed it they bought it first.
For Readers
Smashwords provide every format you can think of when you buy a book. As long as the person publishing the book has not unchecked the option it will appear. For example, you're unlikely to find a picture book published in plain text format, it would be silly, but a novel will likely be in all formats. These are all the formats on offer with indications of what devices they are good for.
- Online Reading (HTML, good for sampling in web browser)
- Online Reading (JavaScript, experimental, buggy)
- Kindle (.mobi for Kindle devices and Kindle apps)
- Epub (Apple iPad/iBooks, Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo, and most e-reading apps including Stanza, Aldiko, Adobe Digital Editions, others)
- PDF (good for reading on PC, or for home printing)
- RTF (readable on most word processors)
- LRF (Use only for older model Sony Readers that don't support .epub)
- Palm Doc (PDB) (for Palm reading devices)
- Plain Text (download) (flexible, but lacks much formatting)
- Plain Text (view) (viewable as web page)
So, once you've bought a book you can even read it online if you want to, just as if you were visiting a fiction archive.
Unlike Amazon, Smashwords also has a beta of a gifting eBook system up, so that you can buy and eBook for someone else if you wish to.
For Authors
First of all, let's look at the numbers.
Smashwords offer authors 85% royalty rate of net sales for all titles sold on their site and 60% royalty rate from their distributors (more about them later). This is a superb rate and does not rely on pricing like Amazon does (with them an author get 70% for books price $2.99 and higher but only 35% for books under that). When you publish a book on
Smashwords they show you a pie chart for each book of how much you will earn per sale and where the other percentages are going. Very pretty and very useful. If you select the option they also email you for every sale you make on their site and tell you how much you made on it.
Smashwords allow you to upload free titles as well, which are distributed to their retailers as free titles too.
They also have a coupon system where you can create a coupon for money off your book, set a time limit on the code and use it as part of a special offer. Coupons can be any value, even up to 100%, so you can use coupons for giveaways, or to allow reviewers to download your book.
Non-US authors, please be aware you require an ITIN (individual taxpayer identification number) to be paid by
Smashwords .
They have useful info about ITINs at this link. I'm applying for mine now, once I am successful I will do a post to tell UK people how I did it, because I believe it can be tricky.
Smashwords is also what is known as an agregator. This means they distribute to other eBook sites, many of which are hard to get your books onto otherwise. There are opt in and opt out options for all distributors so it is not compulsory. These are who they distribute to at the moment:
- Apple (iBookstore in 32 countries)
- Barnes & Noble
- Sony
- Kobo
- WH Smith (UK via Kobo)
- FNAC (Fr via Kobo)
- Diesel eBook store
- eBook Eros (Diesel's erotic eBook partner)
The Standard Catalogue
The standard catalogue is all the titles published on their site, which is all titles that meet their terms and conditions (i.e. no publishing other people's work etc). All books go into the standard catalogue as soon as they are publised and appear on
Smashwords' site.
The Premium Catalogue
This is the catalogue which is distributed to
Smashwords' partner retailers. Your book has to meet certain standards to be published in this catalogue which include the
Smashwords Style Guide. This is a free eBook that takes you step by step how to create you initial .doc file for uploading to the
Smashwords engine which converts it into eBooks for you. You also have to have an ISBN for the book, but there are three ways of getting one:
- You have your own which you have purchased from elsewhere
- Smashwords will give you a free ISBN and all sites will list them as the publisher
- You buy an ISBN from Smashwords (US only) for a premium rate and it will list you as the publisher.
Getting into the premium catalogue takes a while becaue
Smashwords do check all the books, but it is worth the wait.
Publisher Accounts
They also have publisher accounts, so if you publish under several names and want seperate identities for each you can still deal with all the money centrally. Soph and I have a publisher account for Wittegen Press and we publish all out book under our personal accounts (which have biographies etc) and then assign the rights to the publisher account. That way all the royalties are dealt with in one place. Publisher accounts can also have what are called ghost authors, these have profiles, but can be used by the publisher account to publish the book directly without having to reassign rights though another account.
There is also very clear reporting and author friendly services to help you track how your books are doing. Much easier to see everything than on Amazon.
Smashwords is a superb site and the staff are incredibly helpful if there are any problems. For example, when we first started publishing on there, Soph and I thought we should keep Penny Dreadfuls 21 and Wittegen seperate, so we set up those books under a different publisher account. Then we decided that we actually wanted to have them all under Wittegen after all. Most of the books we just transfered back to the author accounts and then used our author accounts to assign them to Wittegen. However, a couple of the books were under a ghost account. For some reason when we tried to reassign to another author it didn't work.
Smashwords looked into it straight away and found a bug and fixed it. That simple and then everything worked fine. No red tape, no black hole of no response, just a very helpful support staff.