Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Another new cover - Myriad Imaginings - Paperback

Myriad Imaginings Cover Reveal Banner

Another new cover - Myriad Imaginings - Paperback

So we've been meaning to get the Giveaway Games anthologies into paperback for a while now, but there had never been time to sit down and give it them the attention they deserve. However, that time has finally come.

Myriad Imaginings is going through a new re-edit, to make sure it is perfect and, of course, every book needs a cover.

As you may recall I redesigned all the covers for the Giveaway Games anthologies last year, so I have a great start to work from in creating the paperbacks.

Now the current book blurb is fine for eBook descriptions, but it wasn't right for the blurb on the back of an actual book, if you see what I mean, hence I had to rewrite that too.

However, it is done and I have what I think is an almost definite cover. Just waiting for some feedback from Soph, but this is likely to be it. What do you think?

Paperback cover for Myriad Imaginings by Natasha Duncan-Drake & Sophie Duncan - Woman staring out of a window at night.

The big space on the back at the bottom is where the barcode gets put BTW. Just in case you were wondering ðŸ˜„.

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