Tales with Tasha Week 93
Funny Fantasy
Last week at Tales with Tasha the aim was to make everyone smile with Fantasy Comedy Stories. Mostly I was in a mood for cute magical creatures and these are the shorts I came up with.
Thanks for watching and I hope you enjoy them.🥰
Defender of the Weak?
Some critter are not quite what they appear to be - this can be a good thing.
Pet Pet Pet
Dignity and diplomacy are not always viable bedfellows...
WARNING! Don't Touch!
When it comes to a witch's familiar there are certain expectations.
Protect The Puppy!
It's not your fault you didn't know he was a werewolf!
No! Bad Boy!
Dragon Whisperer, yeah right, more like glorified babysitter!
Don't pet the unknown magical creature, even if it is cute!
Save Me NOW!
Outed by a unicorn!
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