Friday, 21 February 2025

Kindle Book Download - The Faster Way - Before the 26th Feb 2025

Amazon eBook library page with "Download Kindle Books - The Faster Way" over the top

Kindle Book Download - The Faster Way - Before the 26th Feb 2025

So I saw a post on Tumblr yesterday, which I am sorry I cannot find again. It was talking about how Kindle are removing the download ability on the 26th Feb and one response mentioned a Tampermonkey script to help with downloading all of our Kindle books. If someone can point me to the post, I will credit the person who mentioned it - thank you.

Well the script makes it about half as frustrating to download everything as the only way Kindle provide it and it took me a while to figure out how to use it, so I thought I would elaborate. I went from being able to do 8 pages of books in a day, to doing 37 - I have another 20 to go.

Tampermonkey is a plugin for the browser which allows a script to be run to alter the page - spent a good hour trying to work out how to run the script because I thought Tampermonkey was the name of the author or something😆 . It can be found here:

There is an FAQ about how to install it here, along with how to install scripts:

The script to alter the Amazon download page is here:

The script puts a button at the top of the page on the right that says "Trigger Download" (seen in green below)

This button when pressed will do all the button presses for the downloads for you so you don't have to click everything yourself. All you have to do is confirm the save to your computer.

On my PC I can set it going, wait for the first save to come up, then click away and leave it for about 3 mins while I'm doing other things and then click save 25 times once it's done. Others have to click the save after 8-10 saves have been queued up or it sits there just waiting - not sure why, but it happens.

If the script does not work and the button does not appear for you after you have told Tampermonkey to run on the page, check the line in the top of the code that starts with

// @ match (no space after the @ in the actual script)

The script is set up for, so if you are on like me, or another of the Amazon sites, you will need to edit this, to have the right amazon in the URL.

E.g. mine looks like:*

The rest of the URL will be exactly the same.

The match line is basically telling the script what page the script should run on.

Also of note - in the code it allows you to change which Kindle device you are picking in the list if you have more than one. If your Kindle is first in the list, you're all set. If not, scroll down to line #77 until you find this part and follow the instructions in the comment:

clickElementWithin(dropdown, 'span[id^="download_and_transfer_list_"]'); // Choose the first Kindle in list // If you want the second Kindle in the list, change the above line to this instead (for the third, you'd change the [1] to [2] and so on): // dropdown.querySelectorAll('span[id^="download_and_transfer_list_"]')[1].click();

And those are the only things that tripped me up - so happy downloading. Hope it all works as well for you as it is working for me.

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Tuesday, 18 February 2025

How to Check for DRM on eBooks in Calibre Really Quickly

Piles of books on a desk with a Kindle in front of them

How to Check for DRM in Calibre

If you, like me, are downloading all your Kindle books before Amazon take away the ability to do so on the 26th Feb 2025 and are using Calibre to keep them all catalogued, you may be wondering about DRM.

Unfortunately, it is a fact of life that some books with have DRM, which makes them unreadable on anything except the Kindle anyway. The only way you figure this out is when you go to view the books and it says it can't open them because of DRM.

There is a really quick and simple way to highlight multiple books and find out which ones have DRM without having to open all of them individually:

Attempt to convert them

If they have DRM the conversion with fail.

Steps to Check for DRM

  1. Import the books into Calibre by highlighting the files in your Kindle download directory and dragging them onto the Calibre book listing.
  2. If you don't already have it as a column, add the formats column to your Calibre layout - this will make those that have failed easy to see.
    1. Click the Preferences button in the main menu

      Calibre preferences button - shows a spanner crossed with a screwdriver

    2. Choose "Add your own columns"

      Screenshot of the Calibre preferences panel with "Add Your Own Column" highlighted

    3. Check the box next to formats (#13 on mine) and hit save

  3. Now select all the books that need checking in the main book listing.
  4. Click "Convert books" from the main menu

    Convert books icon from Calibre - brown book with two arrows pointing in a circle

  5. Choose the book format you wish to convert into from the dropdown - I use ePub because it is the most universal - and hit go.

  6. Error messages will pop up for those books that won't convert - just click the close button, we don't need to remember which ones have failed.
  7. Now all those books which don't have the additional format in the format col are the ones with DRM. I then added a tag to all the DRM books so I can find them easily again later when I decide what to do with them.
If there is a simpler way of doing this, please LMK, but I couldn't see one inside Calibre. This was the quickest way to do it all in bulk that I could find.

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Tales with Tasha - YouTube

Each week we have a theme and so there will be something for all tastes.
  • 🎤Micro stories/ jokes as YouTube Shorts Monday - Sunday- for fun quick viewing
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Two books covers - one with a woman firing guns above the title "Assassin's Blood" the other with a woman screaming and glowing with the title "Curse of a Banshee"

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Monday, 17 February 2025

Don't Lose Face! Aka Writing Tip - How Not to Forget What Your Characters Look Like #writing #fiction

A writer's desk with a laptop, pens and pads, books, a coffee cup and a pencil pot.

Don't Lose Face!

Writing Tip - How Not to Forget What Your Characters Look Like

For much of my writing life, I wrote fanfic, before I decided to turn my hand to being a professional word jockey. I still write fanfic from time to time because it's fun, and the one thing we don't have to worry about it describing our characters, because everyone knows what they look like. Oh, we describe their wounds or their clothing in loving details, and maybe their moles because we can, but with TV and movies they have the face of real actors and in books they have been lovingly described by their creator.

This is not the case in original fiction.

I don't know about you, but I forget things. While some people have perfect memories, crisp and clear like the screen of the latest smartphone, mine is more like an old rolodex where some of the cards are water damaged and others are missing entirely.

Old fashioned rolodex on a wooden table.

Also, I don't see my characters clearly in my head when I'm writing. They're more impressions than real people, even though I know who they are and what they are doing. This is fine when I'm in the first excited glow of creation, but coming back after a little while away from a project and it can make things tricky. All this has led me to one conclusion that I think can be really useful for all we mere mortals:

Character Bios are our friends!

Now anyone who knows me will tell you I write like a chaos demon. As it comes to me it goes on the page. I jump around the narrative, I fill bits in as I figure out what needs to go there, and I don't have a plan. Sometimes I write the end before I have any clue what the beginning is at all.

This is the opposite to my twin sister who has scene outlines longer than some of my scenes at times😆.

However, I have picked up the habit of filling out character bios. Not when I start - that would be too organised😉, but I create them when I introduce a character and fill them out as I go.

Do you realise how embarrassing it is to find out your main character has been swapping eye colour all the way through your novel?

Well I do ðŸ˜†.

Yes, a good editor will catch such things, but just writing it down when we first decide on it saves so much time. I promise! Even the spelling of a name, or a person's full name is good to record. Hands up everyone who decided on the surname for a character, had a gap in writing and came back only to reinvent the wheel and give them a whole new one. *sheepishly waves hand in the air*

Most writing software like Scrivener and yWriter have specific places for character bios, but a normal Word document or an Excel Spreadsheet works just as well. I usually start with a simple template:

  • Full Name:
  • Known As:
  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Hair Colour:
  • Eye Colour:
  • Height:
  • Ethnicity:

If we have a fantasy or sci-fi setting we can add things like race and powers, or for real world genres more mundane things like job etc.

We don't have to fill everything in, just whatever is relevant. Then we have a reference to refer back to if our rolodex gets even more soggy😉.

This technique really helped me when I was writing my serial stories as Virginia Waytes for the podcast. It's similar to how TV writers have show bibles so they can come back in anytime or pass the job on to a new member of the team. These little bios are nothing so grand, but boy, do they help me from getting in a right pickle. I heartily recommend using something along the same lines even if your writing is chaos embodied like mine!

Have you ever managed to forget what you named a character, or given them two different hair or eye colours? Or are you much more organised than me?😆

Check Out My Fiction YouTube Channel

Tales with Tasha - YouTube

Each week we have a theme and so there will be something for all tastes.
  • 🎤Micro stories/ jokes as YouTube Shorts Monday - Sunday- for fun quick viewing
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Two books covers - one with a woman firing guns above the title "Assassin's Blood" the other with a woman screaming and glowing with the title "Curse of a Banshee"

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Sunday, 7 April 2024

The Easiest Way to Get YouTube to Auto-Sync Your Video Script

Easiest Way to Auto-Sync Captions on YouTube - cyan background with a screen grab of the YouTube captions screen over top

Auto-Syncing Subtitles on YouTube

Subtitles are things that are often overlooked on YouTube vids, and as good as AI is getting at creating auto-generated subtitles for vids, there is nothing quite like having personally uploaded, accurate ones for quality control.

However, I have found they can be a little tricky, and doing them manually by hand takes forever!

One way of doing this is paying a company to create a subtitle file from your video and just uploading this. However, for those of us on a budget, this is often a cost we simply cannot afford.

Luckily, YouTube offers great tools to help us out.

The most useful of these for me, is the Auto-Sync option.

Below I'm going to share the most useful tip I have discovered on how to get this option to work quickly and exactly how I want every time.

What you will need to use this method:

  • the script of your video
  • YouTube Studio

Method for Flawless Auto-Sync Subtitles

Preformat the script file:
  1. Open your script file in the word processor of your choice - as long as it has a search and replace option.
  2. Add a new paragraph at every point you definitely want a new subtitle - YouTube will auto break longer paragraphs, but it can be very random how it does it and sometimes with large scripts it fails.
  3. This is the important step - search and replace all single paragraph marks with two paragraph marks so paragraphs have a space between them. This will make auto-syncing work like a charm because it will take each paragraph as its own subtitle and has to do way less work.
Inputting the Subtitles:
  1. Open your uploaded video in YouTube Studio and click the subtitles option.
    Image of YouTube Studio open on a single video
  2. Choose the Auto-Sync option.
    YouTube Studio Subtitles dialog with red arrow pointing to the Auto-sync option

  3. Copy and paste the double spaced script into the Auto-sync box and wait while the AI automatically syncs the subtitles to the sound in your video. It should only take a little while (this varies on what time of day it is and how busy the system is).

What to Do If the Auto-Sync Fails

Occasionally the auto-sync fails - it just hangs and never manages to create the subtitles correctly or gives the message "Auto-sync is taking longer than usual" and still never gets there. I have found there are usually one of two reasons for this:
  1. The video has not finished the checking process. In that case I close the subtitle window using the X and choose the "discard changes" option. This means we can start the process over again once the checking of the vid is done and the processes won't interfere with each other.
  2. It's a large script file and it just can't do it. I use the same method of leaving and discarding changes, then I check my file to make script file to make sure there's nothing in it that could be pasting in incorrectly and try again. It usually works the second time.

What to Do If There Are Existing Subtitles and Auto-Sync is Not There

If there are already subtitles on the vid but we wish to add a whole new set, either because they are incorrect or incomplete, we need to first remove the existing subtitles before we can use the Auto-Sync option.

Hence we need to open the subtitles window as usual and choose the clear subtitles option. There are three vertical dots next to the EDIT AS TEXT option at the top of the subtitles screen. Click this and a drop down will appear with the "Clear Subtitles" option. This will delete all subtitles on the vid, so as a precaution, I would download the subtitles first from the same menu. Then if you decide you want them back again for any reason you can just reupload the file.
YouTube Studio Subtitles dialog with a red arrow pointing at the clear subtitles option.

Once I discovered the double spacing the paragraphs trick I have not had a subtitle set fail to sync correctly, whereas before it could be a bit hit and miss. I use it for my shorts and my long form and I hope this info will be able to help someone else out if they are having problems.

If you have tips for dealing with some of YouTube's quirks, I would love to hear them in the comments.

Check Out My Fiction YouTube Channel

Tales with Tasha - YouTube

Each week we have a theme and so there will be something for all tastes.
  • 🎤Micro stories and jokes for all the family as YouTube Shorts Monday - Sunday- for fun quick viewing
  • 🕮A longer story every now and then for story time, over coffee or before going to bed

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Two books covers - one with a woman firing guns above the title "Assassin's Blood" the other with a woman screaming and glowing with the title "Curse of a Banshee"

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Sunday, 25 February 2024

Delicious! Stuffed Potato & Parmesan Waffles

Delicious! Stuffed Potato and Parmesan Waffles - picture of a stuffed waffle on a plate with a cheese pull in front of a dark background.

Stuffed Potato & Parmesan Waffles

Gluten Free & Vegetarian

This is a partial repost, but also an updated recipe from back in 2020. The original recipe is for plain potato & parmesan waffles, but my lovely twin just gifted me and my hubby a stuffed waffle iron, so of course we had to try it out. These are so very delicious, I had to share.

As I mentioned, the original recipe is based off of Nigella's Garlic & Parmesan waffles from her book, "At My Table". This is just a different take on the recipe, with a stuffing of red peppers and mozzarella.

Makes 3x 5''(12.7cm) waffles

A serving for me was 1 waffle, but my husband ate 2 easily, so scale up to fit your needs


For the waffle batter (Gluten Free)
  • 400g / 2 cups mashed potato (left over mash works well, or I used cooked frozen mash this time)
  • 4 tbsp (60ml) butter
  • 8 tbsp (120ml) milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 45g/ ~3/8cup finely grated Parmesan (or hard Italian cheese vegetarian equiv)
  • 4 tbsp cornflour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp Dried Rosemary (I like the grind it in a pestle and mortar or spice grinder to make it distribute better and release its flavour)
  • salt & pepper to taste
For the stuffing
  • half a ball of mozzarella (vegetarians check the packet to make sure you have a veggie version)
  • half a large red pepper (capsicum) - I use jarred roasted peppers (I hate the skin on fresh ones), but if you are using fresh you will need to fry the peppers off before use, unless you want crunchy almost raw pepper in your waffle - which is an option for a texture change.


  1. Melt the butter (I microwave it for 30s then stir until completely melted, but you can do it in a saucepan) and leave to stand to cool down.
  2. Preheat the waffle iron.
  3. Prepare the filling by chopping the mozzarella and pepper into small pieces.
  4. Microwave your mash if using frozen or allow to come to room temp if using leftovers, and, using a fork or something similar, break up the mash so that it is light pieces, not one lump.
  5. In a large bowl whisk together the cooled butter, eggs and milk.
  6. Add in the potato a little at a time, whisking it in each time. I used a flat manual whisk, but you could use an electric hand whisk, or a bowl mixer if you prefer.
  7. Add the Parmesan, cornflour, baking powder, rosemary, salt and pepper and beat until smooth(ish).
  8. Lightly oil the waffle iron.
  9. Place a few spoonfuls of batter in the bottom of the waffle iron - enough to just cover the raised areas. After a couple of second it will begin to puff up a little.
  10. Take 1/3rd of the filling and place in the centre of the waffle batter, leaving half a cm or so around the edge.
  11. Carefully spoon batter over the filling, sealing it in and filling the waffle iron to a little over 3/4 full.
  12. Close the waffle iron, invert it, and cook for about 7 mins total or until golden brown - different waffle makers will vary. After 7min check the cook and let it go a little longer if necessary.
  13. Tip out of the waffle from the maker onto a plate (I discovered tipping was way easier than trying to lever it out with a spatula - just be careful not to burn yourself).
  14. If making lots, pop the cooked ones in a low oven until ready to eat.

Depending what meal we are making these for, they go well with eggs or some suitable veg on the side (I imagine garlic roasted tender stem broccoli would be amazing). A piquant sauce on the side is also a nice flavour combo (Sauce Shop Honey Chipotle BBQ sauce is what I had with mine where as Rob ate his without anything on the side).

Stuffed Potato and Parmesan Waffles on a grey plate, with a cheese pull.

This is a very versatile recipe, so if you don't like the amount of cheese or want to use a different herb/spice, just go ahead and play. It one to have fun with.

Check Out My Fiction YouTube Channel

Tales with Tasha - YouTube

Each week we have a theme and so there will be something for all tastes.
  • 🎤Micro stories and/or silly jokes as YouTube Shorts Monday - Sunday- for fun quick viewing
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