
Monday, 30 March 2020

Tasha's Thinkings 1000th Blog Post

1000th Blog Post - Confetti

Tasha's Thinkings 1000th Blog Post

So there I was preparing all my AtoZ posts when I realised that the number next to published posts said 999! Of course I had to come up with something special for my 1000th post.

My first through was fiction, so I have a little drabble to share below and I had a little more of a think, and I thought it might be fun to create a little introduction to some of the fun things posted here. In recent years I have tried to organise my tags somewhat, but I have to admit, there are a lot of them, so it an be difficult to find all the interesting things. So I have tried to organise my chaos and created something of a guide.


Drabble (story of exactly 100 words)

This is something that came into my head, probably because of everything that is going on at the moment.

1000 Years by Natasha Duncan-Drake
Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash
They shut me away a thousand years ago, at least that's what it seems. But they have made one error. They thought to drive me mad by allowing me to see what I could no longer touch with a connection to the outside. It does not allow for spoken communication, I am only allowed to view that, but it does give me words.

I have become a blogger. To share, to read, to learn, these are the gifts they have inadvertently granted me. They may have denied me physical freedom, but I have found so much more. I am home.


My Favourite Tags

First of all a little information - some of my tags have * in the front - this is nothing sinister, it's just so they pop up at the top of the list πŸ˜‰. To see all my tags I have two pages - Blog Topics for everyone not on mobile and Blog Topics Mobile because, for some reason I cannot fathom, the first one does not work on both. The first is guaranteed to be right up to date because it uses the tag widget, and the mobile version is a copy and paste I have to manually update every now and then.

1. *Food

Cheese board with fruit and chutney - Food
Photo by Lindsay Moe on Unsplash
I love baking and cooking and this is my tag for everything to do with that. There are lots of sub tags to help find specific things and they all begin with *Food:, e.g.

These are all my current Food tags:
*Food (67), *Food: Anova (2), *Food: Bread (1), *Food: Chicken/Turkey (26), *Food: Chocolate (10). *Food: Duck (1). *Food: Easy Recipes (43), *Food: Gluten Free (23), *Food: Healthy (18), *Food: Ice Cream (2), *Food: Instant Pot (1), *Food: Low Calorie (6), *Food: Meat (2), *Food: Recipes (65), *Food: Savoury (46), *Food: Sous Vide (3), *Food: Sweet (20), *Food: Tips and Tricks (5), *Food: Vegan (3), *Food: vegetarian (13)

2. *Writing / *Publishing

Write Without Fear, Edit Without Mercy
Photo by hannah grace on Unsplash
I am first and foremost, a writer. I have always been a writer since the moment I realised I could create stories too and I have been a full time author for ten years now. These are my tags for everything to do with the art of writing and getting it to readers.

Much of the content for these is in the main tag, but there are a couple of significant sub tags too:

  • *Writing: Fiction - all the fiction I have posted directly to the blog, drabbles, flash fic etc
  • *Writing: eBooks - everything about eBooks including posts on how to format them etc

3. *Art

This tag is for all my posts to do with anything artistic or crafty, including everything I have learned to do with book cover. There are a few subtags which I think speak for themselves:

*Art: Book Covers (20), *Art: Craft (5), *Art: Designing (2), *Art: FanArt (4), *Art: Photos (4), *Art: Resources (1), *Art: Scramble Square (1), *Art: The Golden Ratio (1), *Art: The Rule of Thirds (1)

4. *Blogging: Guest Blogs

Lots of hands on a keyboard
These are the posts by all the lovely bloggers who have done me the honour of guest blogging here. So many interesting things - do check them out.

5. Themed Posts

A lightbulb floating over a hand.
For a while I was posting every day with a theme for each day. I have started to focus on other things now, but these do still pop up.

6. *Reviews

Person looking at a screen and talking about what they see
You may be shocked, but I have opinions - this tag is specifically for those in relation to all sorts of things, but mostly films. These should speak for themselves πŸ˜‰

7. *Vampires

Sun going down over trees
And last, but very not least of my favourites, I have a tag for all things vampire.

It is not a secret to anyone who pops in around here that I love vampires, so, of course, I have a tag for all posts that relate to them. You'll find fiction, reviews, information, just everything vampire related.

And so those are my favourite tags, but don't forget to check out all my others as well, because I have genre tags, fandom tags and many more. (Blog Topics, Blog Topics Mobile). Thank you so much for stopping by. Drop me a comment so we can chat, I love to talk to everyone.

What is your favourite tag on your blog if you have one?

Background banner Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash


  1. Congratulations! WOW! 1000 is a big number and your drabble, perfect, especially now! I hope you baked a cake to celebrate!

    1. Thank you πŸ’– - the drabble kind of just popped into my head, can't think why πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰. I was more thinking of cheese scones today ... a friend was talking about baking some yesterday and now I have a craving.

  2. Amazing number of blogs. Well done, Tasha. I must catch up on the recipes especially.

    I'm a long way behind in post numbers, but then I post at most three times a month - except in April with A to Z. As for favourite/over-used tag, that has to be A to Z Challenge. I wonder why? In terms of actual writing, it has to be 'Snowdon Shadows' my long-ongoing WIP series.

  3. Congrats on reaching 1,000 posts! And finding home as a isolated blogger.


Thank you so much for reading. I love to hear from people. Please leave your comments below.