
Tuesday, 12 April 2022

J is for Job #YouTube #AtoZChallenge

J is for Job - YouTube - What They Don't Tell You

YouTube - What They Don't Tell You
J is for Job

"Find out what you like doing best, and get someone to pay you for doing it." – Katherine Whitehorn

My AtoZ theme this year is my YouTube journey with my new fiction channel, and all that I have learned - plus some free fiction - scroll down to the embedded vid for that.

There are two types of YouTuber:

  • The hobbyist
  • The professional

There is nothing wrong with either of these. If you want your channel to be a fun place where you put out vids you love and don't care about monetisation or subscriber account, be you. Enjoy it.

However, if we want our channel to be part of our business, to grow and to provide an income (no matter how big or small), then we need to treat it as a job, even if we have another one of those at the same time.

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay 

The professionalism that goes into an every day job, needs to go into producing content too. The mindset has to be there to build. There is always the chance that a hobbyist might become an internet darling, but it's much more likely to be a prospect if there is the professional mindset in there too. And that doesn't mean formal, it just means lining up all our ducks and making sure we have everything we need in place, not just winging it.

Just like any other job too, we're going to get better at it over time.

Have you tried anything that you thought was going to be a hobby and turned out to be more of a second job (looks at many of the authors out there)?

Current YouTube Episode

April's Theme - Ghost Stories
New story every week day at 4pm GMT
Please subscribe to never miss a vid (it's free).

About the AtoZ Challenge

The A to Z Challenge happens every April. Bloggers from all over the world come together to post every day in April, apart from Sundays, inspired by the letters of the alpha bet. A = April 1st etc. Some of us have themes, some of us don't. Click the image below for more info and links to other participants.
#AtoZChallenge 2022 tribute badge

Check Out My Fiction YouTube Channel

Tales with Tasha - YouTube

Each week we have a theme and so there will be something for all tastes.
  • 🎤Micro stories as YouTube Shorts Monday - Thursday - for fun quick viewing
  • 🕮A longer story every Friday - for story time, over coffee or before going to bed

Tasha's Social Media

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Receive 2 FREE eBooks just for signing up and a free short story once every month on Free Fiction Friday.

Two books covers - one with a woman firing guns above the title "Assassin's Blood" the other with a woman screaming and glowing with the title "Curse of a Banshee"

List hosted on MailChimp, information will only be used for Newsletter contact, and we do not send spam.


  1. Goodness, most of my hobbies have become 'jobs' at different times of my life. Haha!

    That's the tricky bit about being good at something you love to do for fun. But, I find it's not long before a paid hobby becomes less fun when it becomes a 'job'. It's been better for me to make decisions and distinctions to protect the respective boundaries of each.

    1. Always fun when a job is based on something you love doing, but the trick is making sure it doesn't become a chore, isn't it.

  2. Well writing definitely is my interest and hobby but out of that enthusiasm i shifted to tech writing. So in a way my hobby helped it. Yes we need to b very professional if we wanna make hobby a job

    Saw ur today's video...gosh.. u r good at narration!

    Dropping by from a to z

    1. Thank you so much - sometimes I am better than others ;D

  3. So many hobbies have turned into jobs... Not complaining!

    Question: does YouTube have as many trolls as TikTok in the comments? Your series is giving me ideas, but I seriously don't want to go through the verbal abuse people experience on TikTok. What's your experience been like?

    Ronel visiting for the A-Z Challenge My Languishing TBR: J

    1. Honestly, I don't have a huge data set - most of my comments have come from family or friends so far. But I have had a couple of nice ones and a total of 2 not very nice ones, although they were nothing terrible.

  4. Blogging can seem like a job at times. Especially now.

  5. None of my hobbies have turned into jobs.. yet
    But right now Blogging everyday for this challenge does seem like a job xD

    Hopping in from the A-Z community,

  6. Love the quote, and such good advice. If you don't apply a level of consistency and professionalism, it marks it a lot harder to be taken seriously.

    Debs visiting this year from
    Making Yourself Relationship Ready


Thank you so much for reading. I love to hear from people. Please leave your comments below.