
Monday, 11 April 2022

I is for Inspiration #YouTube #AtoZChallenge

I is for Inspiration - YouTube - What they Don't Tell You

YouTube - What They Don't Tell You
I is for Inspiration

"A family looks for ways to support and inspire one another." - Kamala Harris

My AtoZ theme this year is my YouTube journey with my new fiction channel, and all that I have learned - plus some free fiction - scroll down to the embedded vid for that.

No matter what content our channels have, we need inspiration. None of us exist in a vacuum, and creating content in one is very hard.

You'll hear me saying this a lot, but YouTube is a community, just like every other social media platform, and a community is a great place to seek inspiration. You know what they say, copying from one source is plagiarism, copying from many is research. This is bunkum, copying without citing sources is plagiarism full stop, but that's not what I am suggesting.

Look at our niche's community, see the kind of things they are doing, and try out our own version of it. Or, even find inspiration from other creators in general.

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay 

A great example: I love the crafting community on YouTube, and there is a fantastic creator called Moriah Elizabeth, who is very famous for cute squishy makeovers. She has a very distinctive style. There is another fab creator called Graveyard Loon who also does squishy makeovers, and he totally cites Moriah Elizabeth as his inspiration, although his makeovers have a cartoon horror vibe rather than rainbow adorable. One creator took inspiration from another, but put their own spin on it.

It is possible to give shoutouts to other creators in descriptions of vids, so if someone inspires us, this is a way to acknowledge their input.
Caveat: I am not quite sure if we have to have over a certain number of subscribers, or if there has to be a mutual subscribe or what for the @NameOfChannel to do an actual link, but there seems to be some sort of limitation. I tried to give one properly on some of my stories that were inspired by another channel, but they don't link. Can't find any info about why anywhere. I am leaving them there, just in case one day they do start working.
Inspiration helps us and it helps the community in general, because trends are a thing.
DON'T plagiarise by just copying without credit. DO be inspired by the creativity of others and make your own wonderful content, giving credit where credit is due.
What do you find inspiring?

Current YouTube Episode

New story every week day at 4pm GMT
Please subscribe to never miss a vid (it's free).

About the AtoZ Challenge

The A to Z Challenge happens every April. Bloggers from all over the world come together to post every day in April, apart from Sundays, inspired by the letters of the alpha bet. A = April 1st etc. Some of us have themes, some of us don't. Click the image below for more info and links to other participants.
#AtoZChallenge 2022 tribute badge

Check Out My Fiction YouTube Channel

Tales with Tasha - YouTube

Each week we have a theme and so there will be something for all tastes.
  • 🎤Micro stories as YouTube Shorts Monday - Thursday - for fun quick viewing
  • 🕮A longer story every Friday - for story time, over coffee or before going to bed

Tasha's Social Media

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Receive 2 FREE eBooks just for signing up and a free short story once every month on Free Fiction Friday.

Two books covers - one with a woman firing guns above the title "Assassin's Blood" the other with a woman screaming and glowing with the title "Curse of a Banshee"

List hosted on MailChimp, information will only be used for Newsletter contact, and we do not send spam.


  1. Thats true . Plagiarism doesn't have any excuses. Getting inspired and customising is fine.

    Dropping by from a to z

  2. Citing resources is becoming more and more common, thanks goodness. I remmeebr it seemed cumbersome when I first started, but because I'm a cretor myself, I didn't like to do to other creators what I didn't wish to be done to me.
    I have to say, it becomes easier the more you do it ;-)

    The Old Shelter - Enter the New Woman

  3. Interesting that people still think they can get away with plagiarism -- or call people out for it even when properly cited and under fair use. Sigh.

    Ronel visiting for the A-Z Challenge My Languishing TBR: I

  4. I've found lots of inspiration from other creators even though they're not in my niche or area of working at all. Inspiration can cross borders and boundaries, so read & view widely is my take on it.

    Debs visiting this year from
    Making Yourself Relationship Ready

  5. Another amazing post by you! I get a lot of inspiration on Pinterest... So many ideas floating there!
    See you around the A-Z challenge!
    Hope you stop by my blog

  6. Sometimes inspiration is more of triggering a spark or a starting step , like " i could do something like this"

    Jayashree writes

  7. Plenty of inspiring stuff on YouTube.

  8. Being as I'm a creative professional, I have a process in place to glean inspiration from just about any and everything. But, it takes imagination to add an original twist to something that already exists. That's a skill in and of itself, but definitely worth developing...either for one's work, art, or just troubleshooting problems that pop-up in life.

  9. I get inspiration from other people's creativity all the time. Sometimes what I'm inspired by and what I create as a result go through a long domino-effect thought process in-between. Last year's A-to-Z (2021) got me off on all kinds of creative thought tangents that turned into an "Inspirations" writing project on my blog. :)


Thank you so much for reading. I love to hear from people. Please leave your comments below.