
Thursday, 9 April 2015

AtoZChallenge2015 - H is for Herne the Hunter, Hathor

Hello and welcome to day 8 of the AtoZChallenge 2015.

Herne the Hunter

Herne is historically a ghost associated with Windsor forest in Berkshire. He rides on his steed with his hounds and has horns on his head and captures souls to join his hunt. However, the Herne I am interested in is from Robin of Sherwood, a British TV show from the 1980s.

Herne appears as a man wearing a cloak and headdress made of a deer. He has shaman like powers and is the ancient god of the forest. He becomes Robin's mentor when Robin, son of the Thane of Loxley, becomes an outlaw and Herne encourages him to fight for his own freedom and the freedom of his people.

When Robin of Loxley sacrifices himself to save Marion and Much, it is Herne who chooses his replacement: Robert of Huntingdon, who becomes Herne's son and the Hooded Man.

Sources: The History Files | Herne the Hunter | Wikipedia Robin of Sherwood | Wikipedia Herne the Hunter


Hathor is an ancient Egyptian goddess. She is the personification of joy, feminine love, motherhood, music, dance and fertility. Being part of this pantheon made her good fodder for Stargate: SG-1.

Hathor is one of the Gao'uld, a race of parasitic beings (symbiotes) of great power who possess human hosts, employing human populations as slaves, and using their sarcophagi to maintain their lives over millennia.

She was the mate and Queen of Ra and became trapped in her sarcophagus, only to be freed accidentally during a dig in Mexico. She makes her way to Stargate Command and proceeds to take over by controlling all the male personnel with her pheromones and locking up all the female ones.

She seduces Daniel Jackson into helping her create more Goa'uld and then makes Jack O'Neil a Jaffa (soldier maintained by an immature symbiote in a pouch in the abdomen) before being defeated by the ladies and Teal'c. Jack is returned to normal using her sarcophagus, which she then destroys before escaping.

She goes on to become a full system lord (the highest rank of a Goa'uld), but is later finished off when she once again goes up against SG-1.

I always liked Hathor, she is a sophisticated, sexy lady even if she is an alien parasite :).

Sources: Stargate Wiki | Wikipedia

Did you watch either of these TV shows? Which is your favourite?

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  1. I haven't seen either of those shows, but great H picks.

    1. Thanks - they are both worth watching if you come across them :)

  2. Too bad Hathor went up against Stargate. She had a good thing going...

    1. That was the Goa'ulds downfall - they were far too arrogant.

  3. I haven't personally watched these 2 shows, but hubby did watch Stargate for a bit. I think he liked it :)


    1. I really loved Stargate until the whole Daniel Jackson debacle :)

  4. I didn't know these two entities, even if I'm kind of familiar with both shows.

    Hathor sounds kind of messy to me. I like Herne instead :-)

    1. Hathor was great, but she didn't do so well when up against Sam Carter :)

  5. Another blog posted that female villains are the best, because they have the added advantage of fashion and flare. I think Hathor fits that category :)

    You can find me here:

    1. Oh yes, Hathor definitely has fashion and flare :) I think the male villains had it as well in Jupiter Ascending, if you have seen it, so the ladies don't get it all their way any more ;).

  6. Haven't seen either of these shows, but the two characters are unique sounding.

  7. I haven't seen either of these, but they both sound like great characters.

    1. They are :) I especially like Hathor - she was formidable :)

  8. While reading about Herne I kept thinking, "Don't go into the forest alone."

    I never heard of Hathor, but when I saw her eyes I did think of Ra.

    1. She was a great Goa'uld in the first season of SG-1 - I don't remember when she came back, but it says in her bio she did :)

  9. While reading about Herne I kept thinking, "Don't go into the forest alone."

    I never heard of Hathor, but when I saw her eyes I did think of Ra.

  10. I used to watch Stargate, but I don't remember Hathor. Of course it was a long time ago.

    Scribbles From Jenn - Visiting from the A to Z Challenge

    1. I never forget Hathor since it's one of my fav eps :) I also used piccies from it to build a ribbon device for a costume :)

  11. I loved that version of RObin Hood, and Herne!

    Good luck with the 2015 A to Z Challenge!
    A to Z Co-Host S. L. Hennessy

    1. Me too - I have two seasons on DVD and I keep meaning to get the rest.

  12. I never saw that Robin Hood show but I remember that episode of SG. I loved that show and its offspring, Stargate Atlantis.

    1. I never got into SGA, but I have several friends who did :) I catch the odd ep on Sky every now and then.

  13. No better hero than Robin Hood. Earl Flynn's version was fun to see, but I did enjoy the TV series, too.

    1. I've never been much of an Errol Flynn fan myself, but I can see why others are :)

  14. What a coincidence I was also reading today about the Wild Hunt for an epic later this month :) And Hathor has always been one of my favorite Egyptian goddesses. I haven't watched a lot of SG but I liked their frequent use of mythology...

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - 26 Ways to Die in Medieval Hungary

    1. Ooh, I look forward to that post :) SG-1 made me read a lot about Egyptian mythology ::g::

  15. I've seen SG, but not these episodes. Interesting how she is transformed from " the personification of joy, feminine love, motherhood, music, dance and fertility, a to a parasite! Yuck. I prefer her original role. Couldn't watch the RH video as it was blocked, but I've never even heard of this version. Now I want to see it! Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @

    1. Ah, but all the Goa'uld were, so it's equal opportunities parisitism :) I'm sorry the vid was blocked, I don't know why it would be. I thought it was a fan made vid. Maybe it's been blocked in some locations for copyright reasons.

  16. I hadn't heard of Herne, so glad to learn something new! He sounds pretty cool.

    And symbiotes in abdominal pouches? Eew... ;)

    1. LOL - that's only when they're babies, when they are mature they enter through the mouth and interface with the base of the brain and the spinal column to take over the host. So even more ewwww :)

  17. I remember Stargate. That was quite a while back. I remember the wormhole the most from the show,

    1. It was a good show and went on for many years :) The wormhole was spectacular.

  18. You've truly been educating us with these posts!

    Precious Monsters

  19. Never heard of the TV shows but it's amazing how many intricate communities of various kinds are being explored in the A to Z Challenge.

    1. It is indeed :) I think it might even be more fun than last year and I had a blast then too.

  20. I still watch Stargate occasionally but have never seen the entire series, and don't remember Hathor. Couldn't watch the video (blocked here). Never considered all the work behind these characters. Thanks, Natasha. Maybe you could do one on Dr. Who (sorry if I missed a previous post)

    Inventions by Women A-Z

    1. If you catch it, Hathor is a good ep. Sorry about the vid - no idea why it is blocked. It's usually the other way around.

  21. Oh wow, I remember that Robin Hood show from watching it as a kid. I had completely forgotten about it, but realize now that it coloured alot of how I remember the Robin Hood story and legend. Well, that and the Disney version with the foxes, and of course Kevin Costner. But I do agree that Robin Hood probably didn't have an American accent.

    1. LOL - or manage to walk from Dover to Nottingham via Hadrian's wall in one afternoon :) I love Prince of Thieves, but it's oh, so bad in places :D

  22. Spooky eyes. I find it intriguing that whenever TV/movies try to show evil, they always go straight for the eyes.

    1. The eyes have it! Sorry, couldn't help it. I blame my vampire obsession party on the eyes.

  23. Woot! I too did Herne the Hunter today. Haven't seen that version of Robin Hood though.

    Love star gate! One of my absolute favorites! Hathor was cool, but I think my favorite was ba'al.

    1. It's a good version :) I'm not sure I have a fav Goa'uld ::g:: although I should go for Apophis because Peter Williams is such a lovely chap.

  24. She didn't bring much joy and love when she was released! I'd heard of Herne but didn't know of his involvement with Robin Hood.

    1. I think is was very specifically Robin of Sherwood that used him :)

  25. I think I've heard of Herne before (I mean outside of the Robin Hood thing). I remember something about an English horned spirit. It sounded cool.

    1. Yeah, Herne is someone who pops up from time to time in references.

  26. I'm thinking...'Sue, this is not the Robin Hood you knew about." I'm not surprised though, Tasha...your Robin Hood characters fit right in with your theme. Now that gal sexy alien parasite. Sounds like a role for Sigourney.

    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal
    AtoZ 2015 Challenge
    Minion for AJ's wHooligans

    1. LOL - Robin of Sherwood was fun :). Oh yes, Sigourney could have definitely pulled off that role.

  27. Hathor does sound fascinating. Will have to learn more about her.

    1. She's a very interesting goddess as well as being a great character on SG-1.

  28. Creepy eyes, creepy eyes! I only watched a few episodes of Stargate. They were good, but I just couldn't handle seeing MacGyver as anyone but MacGyver. Elle @ Erratic Project Junkie

    1. LOL - There is one episode where Amanda Tapping as Sam Carter ad libbed "it took us fifteen years and three supercomputers to MacGyver a system for the gate on Earth."

  29. I haven't heard of Hathor, but she sounds kick-ass! No matter her origins, she does sound like a loveable goddess :-)

    1. She is a great goddess ... just not so much in SG-1 ;)


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