
Wednesday, 8 April 2015

AtoZChallenge2015 - G is for Gozer the Gozerian

Hello and welcome to day 7 of the AtoZChallenge 2015.

Gozer the Gozerian is the ultimate baddie in the film Ghostbusters. She, or rather any gender Gozer wants, because Gozer is a sexless, formless being with the ability to take any shape, first appears as female at the climax of the film. Gozer has been worshiped through the ages by the Hittites, Mesopotamians and Sumerians,  as well as an architect and doctor called Ivo Shandor who built a whole building in New York to act as a conductor for spiritual energy and bring about the end of the world.

When Gozer first meets the Ghostbusters she assumes they are gods and brings about my favourite ever line in the film:
Winston Zeddmore: Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say "YES!"
They do destroy her female corporeal form, however, this just makes things worse because Gozer is very much not done:
Gozer: Sub-creatures! Gozer the Gozerian, Gozer the Destructor, Volguus Zildrohar, the Traveller has come! Choose and perish!
Ray can't blank his mind and stop from choosing so he thinks about the one thing he believes can never hurt him: Mr Stay Puft, the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
Thus is it that Gozer the Gozerian invades our dimension as a 112.5 feet tall marshmallow man who likes stomping on cars and anything else that gets in his way.

I love Ghostbusters and I am really looking forward to the remake. This is an iconic film and deserves lots and lots of praise.

Sources: Ghostbusters Wiki | Multiverse Omnipedia | Wikiquotes | Wikipedia

Have you seen Ghostbusters? Did you enjoy it? Did you think it was as kickass as I did that Gozer started off female?

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  1. Ghostbusters...bound to be a classic one day...if not already. There were several one liners from that movie that have endured...Who you gonna call? and the theme song can spin in your head for days. I remember the Gozerians...just didn't know that was what they were called. I'm glad to know there is going to be a remake!
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal
    AtoZ 2015 Challenge
    Minion for AJ's wHooligans

    1. Me too - I am so looking forward to finding out what they are going to do with the new version.

  2. You know, I have to give the film industry credit for doing their homework. Kind of thought they mostly made things up. Now I see that Gozer the Gozerian has been around for a long time! Creepy to read about, but we go to the movies and love what Hollywood does with them....and yes, I plan on seeing the remake of Ghostbusters! Interesting post, Tasha!

    1. Gozer was a great baddie - I hope they can come up with one as good for the remake.

  3. Gozer the Gozerian was something else in Ghostbusters! I love that movie. You might want to check this's a recent video called Really That Good: Ghostbusters where, among other things, they talk about the significance of Gozer in the movie. It's well done:

    1. Ooh, thanks for the link, I shall check it out.

  4. Love that scene from Ghostbusters. I don't know the actress, but she was fun to watch!

  5. Fantastic post. I loved that scene. And that is one of my favorite quotes.

    1. There are so many good ones from Ghostbusters, but I love those two :)

  6. Ghostbusters was such a fun film! ☺ I didn't know they are making a sequel. Same actors?

  7. Ghostbusters was such a fun film! ☺ I didn't know they are making a sequel. Same actors?

    1. It's a remake as I understand it with a whole new cast (one of the original Ghostbusters has passed on) - I believe they are going for female Ghostbusters this time.

  8. Here, here! It's always a bit nerve racking when they remake an amazing movie, but with humor anything is possible. I'm looking forward to more fun.

    You can find me here:

    1. Me too - we can but keep our fingers crossed :)

  9. Loved that film. I didn't know they are going to do a remake. Well, let's see. I find that seldom remakes are better than the original.

    1. I don't think you could make one better than Ghostbusters, but they are going an alternative route with a female cast, so hopefully they will make something as good.

  10. Definitely scary, but there is something scarier about a squidgy marshmallow with a snarl!

  11. Fantastic film, and yes a classic line. I'm not keen on remakes of classic films though - I wish they would come up with some new ideas.

    Annalisa, writing A-Z vignettes, at Wake Up, Eat, Write, Sleep

    1. Oh I wish they would come up with new things too, but I'd love more Ghostbusters and since one of the main cast is dead it makes it difficult. A sequel would be awesome with a new cast taking over would be cool though.

  12. Replies
    1. Yep - I watched it again recently - still awesome ;)

  13. I loved Ghostbusters as a kid! I had no idea they were remaking it. Hopefully they won't mess it up. ;)

  14. "Ghostbusters" is one of my favorite movies. I can watch it over and over and never get bored!

    Precious Monsters

    1. I know the feeling - I keep catching bits of it on the movie channels and finally sat down and rewatched it from beginning to end again the other day.

  15. Hot crazy lady-chicks like Miss Gozer... Ghostbusters is one of those films I can love more every time I see it.... Welcome in the letter "G"... thank you!
    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

    Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?

  16. When I was younger, Ghostbusters used to freak me out. lol

    1. The old lady in the library still freaks me out! ;)

  17. When I was younger, Ghostbusters used to freak me out. lol

  18. I was in my twenties when this movie came out and Gozer the Gozerian was BADASS then and now - more than 30 years later!
    Visiting from AtoZ:

  19. I LOVE Ghostbusters, and Gozer is the perfect G choice. I can't help but thinking of the end of the movie "Clear your mind..."

    Good luck with the 2015 A to Z Challenge!
    A to Z Co-Host S. L. Hennessy

    1. I'd be like Ray - I can never clear my mind :)

  20. I loved that ending with the marshmallow man :D And I am looking forward to the all-girl remake too! The Internet fallout about it was ridiculous...

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - 26 Ways to Die in Medieval Hungary

    1. It was wasn't it - there were people trying to say there should be an all male one too! We've already had that - time to give the girls a go.

  21. Hi Natasha - oh dear .. I buck the trend and have not seen the movie ... but having read your note on Gozer ... I think I'm happy with my world. However now I know there's a re-make on the way .. maybe I'll take a look!

    Everyone's certainly interested .. enjoying Gozer and Ghostbuster .. cheers Hilary

    1. Ghostbusters is a good romp - the nastiest thing in it is Walter Peck - the city official who nearly causes the end of the world - the ghosts are just fun :)

  22. I just watched Ghostbusters again recently and loved it as much this time as the first, second, and oh yes, third time. I don't know if I'll like a remake of this as I LOVE the actors so much in the original. Yep, cool bad girl! Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @

    1. Me too :) I'm hoping the remake will be different enough, but with the same spirit that it won't try and step on the old one, but have enough about it that's it the same kind of fun.

  23. I loved Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II, but I'm not yet sold on the remake(s). Not because of the female cast, because I think that's a great idea and they have some talented ladies involved, but because:

    1. It's produced by Sony, who are not known for handling these franchises well (see Spider-Man)

    2. They're actually making TWO remakes, one all-female and one all-male, because they were too chickensh*t to just commit to the female version and go with it. (Also, see point 1)

    1. I just hope both get the advertising and funding they deserve because I can see it not going well for the female led film if they are doing both - given Hollywood's usual ideas about female led films. Personally if I was an actor in Hollywood I wouldn't touch the male version with a 50 foot pole because there is bound to be fallout.

  24. I loved that the baddie in the end is a giant marshmallow man. It just makes the whole movie. I'm not sure about the remake. It disappointed me because I'm getting tired of remakes and want some original stories. Why would it be so hard to have a continuation and have these ladies pick up the mantel of the original ghostbusters?

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

    1. I agree, a sequel would be better. You could have Janice relaunching the Ghostbusters for some reason - that would be cool :)

  25. This was one of our all time favorite comedies. Akroid and Murray are always unbeatable in the comedy area.

  26. My first introduction to this was actually the 90s cartoon, and when I finally saw the movie I was very disappointed with Slimer. Cuz he was my favorite in the cartoon but was almost nonexistent in the film.

    I actually forgot about Gozer, I always think of Zul when I think back to this movie. And didn't remember it appearing female at all, not even in hindsight, and that photo doesn't help much. I mean, that could be David Bowie, 80s fashion just messes me up.

    1. Yeah - Slimer is brilliant in the cartoon. I suspect he was too expensive at the time to use overly much, being before cheap CGI.

      LOL - I have Zuul coming for Z :)

  27. And it had the best music ever! It was so fun.

  28. I like that you specifically say corporal form. Yeah, if I was a God, I'd come back as a scary female.

    I'm skeptical of the new ghostbusters film. As much of a fan I am, too many franchise in the last few years have been ruined in remakes. They don't capture the spirit of what something was and generally pander to the lowest common denominator, giving people what it is believe they want.

    1. The problem with remakes is they can completely wreck it or be brilliant, there are rarely mediocre ones. Not sure how they are going to do it this time.

  29. That was a great movie! In that scene where she's possessed in her apartment, that's the only time I've thought she truly looked feminine and beautiful. Which is weird. But she really is a kick-butt woman, no matter what movie she's in!

    1. Sigourney Weaver is awesome, it's that simple. There will be lots about her part in the movie for Z :)

  30. I think this might be my favorite of your posts (at least so far). Best apocalypse ever.

    1. How can anyone not enjoy an apocalypse that involves marshmallow? ;)

  31. Gozer was one scary god - I really enjoyed the character. Hugely entertaining!

    1. Gozer completely earned her place in the best baddies line-up :)

  32. Ghostbusters is a long time favorite of mine, too. And Gozer in her eighties lacy bodysuit was amazing!

    1. It's very frilly for an apocalyptic god isn't it :) but awesome nevertheless.

  33. I remember being scared by Ghostbusters when I was small, but Mr Stay-Puft was a great touch. I also didn't know that Gozer was a "real" god, ie not invented by the film!

    1. I don't think Gozer is real - the bit about the Hittites is a quote from the film from Toben's Spirit Guide - but I can see how it could be read as me saying she was real. Oops :)

  34. Saw Ghostbusters and really liked it. I think it was such a unique movie for when it came out all those years ago. I'd be curious if they could do justice with a remake.

    (thanks for your comments on my posts, we actually lost Koda before we moved. We signed the lease about 2 weeks before we actually made the physical move, so he never got to Arizona, which was a good thing, he was blind, he was 10 years old, the change would have been hard in looking back, but of course we still miss him)


    1. I think everyone is curious if they can do it justice :)
      Well I'm glad he went before he was stressed by the move then. You always miss lost pets, don't you. I miss my previous kitty Levi, even though I love my current two to pieces.

  35. ghostbusters is one of my favorite movies as a kid. I loved -- heck, i can't remember the green ghost's name -- and the marshmallow man.

  36. Gozer is amazing. I love that Ghostbusters went there. Can't wait to see more.

  37. I remember watching Ghostbusters quite some time ago. The details seem a bit hazy now, must check it out again before the sequel comes.


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