
Friday, 21 February 2025

Kindle Book Download - The Faster Way - Before the 26th Feb 2025

Amazon eBook library page with "Download Kindle Books - The Faster Way" over the top

Kindle Book Download - The Faster Way - Before the 26th Feb 2025

So I saw a post on Tumblr yesterday, which I am sorry I cannot find again. It was talking about how Kindle are removing the download ability on the 26th Feb and one response mentioned a Tampermonkey script to help with downloading all of our Kindle books. If someone can point me to the post, I will credit the person who mentioned it - thank you.

Well the script makes it about half as frustrating to download everything as the only way Kindle provide it and it took me a while to figure out how to use it, so I thought I would elaborate. I went from being able to do 8 pages of books in a day, to doing 37 - I have another 20 to go.

Tampermonkey is a plugin for the browser which allows a script to be run to alter the page - spent a good hour trying to work out how to run the script because I thought Tampermonkey was the name of the author or something😆 . It can be found here:

There is an FAQ about how to install it here, along with how to install scripts:

The script to alter the Amazon download page is here:

The script puts a button at the top of the page on the right that says "Trigger Download" (seen in green below)

This button when pressed will do all the button presses for the downloads for you so you don't have to click everything yourself. All you have to do is confirm the save to your computer.

On my PC I can set it going, wait for the first save to come up, then click away and leave it for about 3 mins while I'm doing other things and then click save 25 times once it's done. Others have to click the save after 8-10 saves have been queued up or it sits there just waiting - not sure why, but it happens.

If the script does not work and the button does not appear for you after you have told Tampermonkey to run on the page, check the line in the top of the code that starts with

// @ match (no space after the @ in the actual script)

The script is set up for, so if you are on like me, or another of the Amazon sites, you will need to edit this, to have the right amazon in the URL.

E.g. mine looks like:*

The rest of the URL will be exactly the same.

The match line is basically telling the script what page the script should run on.

Also of note - in the code it allows you to change which Kindle device you are picking in the list if you have more than one. If your Kindle is first in the list, you're all set. If not, scroll down to line #77 until you find this part and follow the instructions in the comment:

clickElementWithin(dropdown, 'span[id^="download_and_transfer_list_"]'); // Choose the first Kindle in list // If you want the second Kindle in the list, change the above line to this instead (for the third, you'd change the [1] to [2] and so on): // dropdown.querySelectorAll('span[id^="download_and_transfer_list_"]')[1].click();

And those are the only things that tripped me up - so happy downloading. Hope it all works as well for you as it is working for me.

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