Monday, 25 April 2022

U is for Undertaking #YouTube #AtoZChallenge

YouTube - What They Don't Tell You - U AtoZChallenge

YouTube - What They Don't Tell You
U is for Undertaking

"A schedule defends from chaos and whim." – Annie Dillard
My AtoZ theme this year is my YouTube journey with my new fiction channel, and all that I have learned - plus some free fiction - scroll down to the embedded vid for that.

The YouTube algorithm likes channels that have a regular schedule and don't have big gaps between videos. This is very important for new channels and smaller channels that don't have the help of having massive audiences to please the algorithm in other ways. Hence, once we begin to build our channels, we should be ready to keep it going with consistency.

This is a big undertaking, so timing is important. If other big things are coming up and might take us away from our channel, we should wait.

Image by Andreas Lischka from Pixabay 

In the smaller scheme of things, it also helps to have our own schedule. It makes it much easier not to miss a release if we know what needs to be done and when. We're back to my lists again. I have days and times planned out when I know I have to do things to get my vids ready and up. I give myself a little wiggle room, but try very hard to keep to my schedule in its purest form.

For example, here a few of my key milestones:
  • Monday is shorts recording day. I set up my ring light, my phone, my tablet and off I go.
  • Wednesday is book formatting and uploading day, because I have a book to go with every long ep on each Friday.
  • Thursday is long vid editing day, because when I'm using After Effects I can do nothing else on my PC or the whole thing stops. Animation if memory, GPU and CPU hungry!

Current YouTube Episode

April's Theme - Ghost Stories
New story every week day at 4pm GMT
Please subscribe to never miss a vid (it's free).

About the AtoZ Challenge

The A to Z Challenge happens every April. Bloggers from all over the world come together to post every day in April, apart from Sundays, inspired by the letters of the alpha bet. A = April 1st etc. Some of us have themes, some of us don't. Click the image below for more info and links to other participants.
#AtoZChallenge 2022 tribute badge

Check Out My Fiction YouTube Channel

Tales with Tasha - YouTube

Each week we have a theme and so there will be something for all tastes.
  • 🎤Micro stories as YouTube Shorts Monday - Thursday - for fun quick viewing
  • 🕮A longer story every Friday - for story time, over coffee or before going to bed

Tasha's Social Media

📚Join My Newsletter📚

Receive 2 FREE eBooks just for signing up and a free short story once every month on Free Fiction Friday.

Two books covers - one with a woman firing guns above the title "Assassin's Blood" the other with a woman screaming and glowing with the title "Curse of a Banshee"

List hosted on MailChimp, information will only be used for Newsletter contact, and we do not send spam.


  1. I like ur meticulous planning!

    May be u shud make a tutorial of all these posts too on you tube :) Good day

    Dropping by from a to z "The Pensive"

  2. You seem to have great organizational skills.... i am not great at sticking to routine and tend to get distracted :)

    Jayashree writes

  3. Your schedule is intense! Love it :-)

    Ronel visiting for the A-Z Challenge My Languishing TBR: U

  4. This looks very difficult, Auntie Tasha. It's difficult enough to blog daily for one month. We will go back to once a week after April. I have no idea how you can do all this work. Do you have a huge staff?
    Ludo from Georges GP World


Thank you so much for reading. I love to hear from people. Please leave your comments below.