
Friday, 8 April 2022

G is for Gold! #YouTube #AtoZChallenge

G is for Gold - YouTube - What they Don't Tell You

YouTube - What They Don't Tell You
G is for Gold!

"The desire of gold is not for gold. It is for the mean of freedom and benefit." – Ralph Waldo Emerson

My AtoZ theme this year is my YouTube journey with my new fiction channel, and all that I have learned - plus some free fiction - scroll down to the embedded vid for that.

Gold! Gold! Give me the gold!

Gold on YouTube is monetisation and, unfortunately, they don't let us do it immediately. We find this out as soon as we set up out account properly, but it's not up there in big letters when we first begin, so I think it is worth mentioning.  Before we can dip into the pot, we have to have:

  • 1,000 subscribers 
  • & 4,000 hrs of watch time. 

At least, at the time of writing this post.

Image by Erik Stein from Pixabay

Monetisation consists of having ads on a video. What I find really annoying is that I can't put ads on my videos at the moment, because I have not yet reached the magic threshold, but YouTube changed their policy so they can. So, if one of my vids goes viral tomorrow, they could make a whole lot of money off it, and I would only see it count to my totals above. Alas, there is nothing we can do about it, so we have to live with it.

Another way to earn money on YouTube is via sponsorship, but that is a whole other ball game and we're going to need a lot more subscribers than the minimum to attract that.

How much would it annoy you if someone was making money off your work and you couldn't get a penny?

Current YouTube Episode

New story every week day at 4pm GMT
Please subscribe to never miss a vid (it's free).

About the AtoZ Challenge

The A to Z Challenge happens every April. Bloggers from all over the world come together to post every day in April, apart from Sundays, inspired by the letters of the alpha bet. A = April 1st etc. Some of us have themes, some of us don't. Click the image below for more info and links to other participants.
#AtoZChallenge 2022 tribute badge

Check Out My Fiction YouTube Channel

Tales with Tasha - YouTube

Each week we have a theme and so there will be something for all tastes.
  • ๐ŸŽคMicro stories as YouTube Shorts Monday - Thursday - for fun quick viewing
  • ๐Ÿ•ฎA longer story every Friday - for story time, over coffee or before going to bed

Tasha's Social Media

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Receive 2 FREE eBooks just for signing up and a free short story once every month on Free Fiction Friday.

Two books covers - one with a woman firing guns above the title "Assassin's Blood" the other with a woman screaming and glowing with the title "Curse of a Banshee"

List hosted on MailChimp, information will only be used for Newsletter contact, and we do not send spam.


  1. I got some dollars for some days. Then stopped. Did not make the cut. But the popular video is my life time work.7450+ views so far. Principles of Scientific Management and Principles of Industrial Engineering - Taylor - Narayana Rao - IISE 2017 Pittsburgh Conference Paper Presentation

    1. That is a goodly number of views - bravo. The biggest number of views I have on a vid so far is 1290. Unfortunately it was one of my shorts, so it doesn't do a great deal to add to the number of hours watched ๐Ÿคฃ

  2. I shall come back for more useful information on YouTube.
    A to Z challenge makes you write. Write and interact with a big blogger community.
    Effectiveness, Efficiency and Excellence - Engineering Supervision

    1. I hope I can provide at least a few little bit of info that might be useful to people. Thank you for visiting.

  3. Their point is providing a free platform for hosting videos which would be a lot of work and cost otherwise , may be??

    1. End of the day behind all thr glitz social media is all about business , right...but i see ur point

    2. They never used to monetise videos from people who weren't in the partner program (that's what you can join to monetise videos once you reach the crieria), but last year they suddenly decided to. It felt like something of a money grab and it's very annoying to small creators who were trying not to have adds on their vids ever. Given that they also have Premium, where people pay not to see ads every, I think YouTube are making enough money to leave the little guys alone.

    3. And thank you for dropping by - should remember to read back my post before I hit publish :D

  4. Well, of course, YT would set up monetizing in a way that is more beneficial to them until you reach your quotas. (What a bummer for you.) I'm rooting for you to reach your content/follower minimums!

    1. Thank you - I shall keep slogging on. My next plan of attack is to bombard my village with flyers. When I released my first book many moons ago I did that and got several hundred sales, so worth a try.

  5. Good luck on your Youtube monetizing journey! I'm, slowly, working to be able to monetize my channel too. :)

    Paw Print Pet Blog:

    1. Best of luck with your channel too - hope it is going well. Have subscribed. Thank you so much for visiting.

  6. I never knew monetisation details of you tube or even blogs to that matter. I once tried Google ad sense but I guess I knew very less and didn't implement it. It's not fair that some ones earning on ur work but by EOD it's all a tricky business
    Dropping by from a to z

    1. I wish I had enough cash to pay an expert to do it for me, because it's such a dark art, as far as I can tell. Ads are mysterious! Thank you for popping in.

  7. So Tasha - you have one more subscriber and a couple minutes more of viewing - step by step...

  8. Thanks for sharing this. I am learning a lot through this post, I never really checked how many subscribers I needed.

    See you around the A-Z challenge!
    Hope you stop by my blog

    1. If you go into the Monetization tab in YouTube Studio, it will tell you how well you are doing on the totals you need.

  9. Yeah would you like to share some tips on increasing subscriber count in a genuine way? I watch a lot of videos but does commenting help or what is a good idea in addition to good content?

  10. Love the Emerson quote!

    Ronel visiting for the A-Z Challenge My Languishing TBR: G

  11. From what you say, and from what I've heard from other youtubers, monetisation, although possible, is all but esy on YOuTube.
    Those threasholds seems quite high to me.

    The Old Shelter - Enter the New Woman

  12. It would frustrate me for sure, but they have the power and if you play on their platform, you have to accept their rules. I know there are hugely successful YouTubers who've become fed up with the rules and have found other ways to become funded, but you have to have a good sized following before any of those options become viable.

    Debs visiting this year from
    Making Yourself Relationship Ready

  13. In response to your question: my sister used to put up lots of her extremely gorgeous art on a website she used to have... and she still sees it around the Internet sometimes. In her case, it isn't the money that bothers her, but she would really like to be credited as the artist.


Thank you so much for reading. I love to hear from people. Please leave your comments below.