Friday, 29 April 2022

AtoZ Placeholder for Y - coming soon


Y will be coming later today

I'm very sorry that today's post is going to be late and that I owe so many people visits back and replies.

My father was rushed into hospital on Sunday at about lunch time and it threw the whole week out completely. He's back home now having been discharged on Wednesday, but I am having trouble catching up.

Please forgive me and I hope you are enjoying the AtoZ.

Best wishes,


[EDIT: Very sorry, Y may not happen, and if it does it will be very late. Got a phone call at midnight from my sister, and just spent 4 1/2 hrs waiting for an ambulance to take my father back to hospital. It is now 4:20 am and the family are finally getting to bed.]

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  1. Am sorry. I hope ur father is alright? Wishing him well. . pls don't bother about writing or visiting blogs. Take care

  2. My thoughts are with you. Hoping your dad gets well.

  3. Sorry to hear about your dad, hope he's a lot better soon.

  4. Sorry to hear this, Tasha! Wishing you well. This is Sue Bursztynski, I have been rejected by not only your blog, but others. It will only let me post under Anonymous. I think it might be a Blogger thing.

  5. Oh Tasha sorry to hear about the medical issues for your father. Wishing your father a quick recovery.

  6. So sorry to hear this, Tasha. I hope your father is ok.

  7. Sorry to hear about your Dad. Things like that can really throw us off. I've been there so I know how these things can go. At least you've made it most of the way.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  8. I hope everything's okay! {{hugs}}


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