
Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Mina's Children: The Legacy of Dracula - #WordWearch Fun no.6 #Paranormal

Mina's Children Word Search - with a blurred words search in the background

Mina's Children
Word Search

Greetings lovely people and puzzle fans. I must apologise for last week's lack of puzzle, but things were a little busy over this way.

This week the puzzle is based on my latest novella, Mina's Children: The Legacy of Dracula, an exciting paranormal adventure with vampires, werewolves and even secret agents. The book is entered into the Kindle Storyteller competition, hence it being exclusive to Amazon atm, and even clicks on the link above would really help me out. Many thanks.😘

So what fun things is everyone up to at the moment? I am learning Italian with Duolingo which is fun. I can say "I write books" and "I drink wine", so I think I'm sorted πŸ˜‚.

Have fun with the puzzle and see you again next week πŸ’–.

The Puzzle

Word search with a blurred word list and the title Preview over the top

Options for Solving

  1. Click the button below and start solving online. If you create a free account with (you only have to pay to create word searches) you can save your progress and come back later.
    Create account - top left of pop-up.
  2. For those who prefer the old school pen and paper, click here to download the PDF so you can print it.


For those who would like to check their answers or who can't find that last word, here is the solution:

Book of the Week

Mina's Children: The Legacy of Dracula

Dracula's Heritage Book 1

Silhouette of a woman in front of a Romanian castle and a mountain, with the moon and red eyes in the sky. Mina's Children: The Legacy of Dracula

Regina Harker, immortal, vampire tainted, descendant of the famous Mina, has spent her whole life preparing for one mission: destroy Dracula.

Mina Harker (nee Murry) was changed by Dracula's attentions and so were her descendants. Reggie comes from this line of vampire hunters, nature's definitive balance to the darkness. Her whole life has been building up to this one mission in Romania, to face the evil that started everything for her family.  Unfortunately there are others with their eyes on Dracula too, and Reggie has run right into them. She must make them allies or remove them from the game before she can face the ultimate foe.

Amazon Kindle  Amazon Paperback

Currently free to read on Kindle Unlimited

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