
Friday, 3 April 2020

AtoZ2020 - C is for Cure - Vampire Drabbles - #AtoZChallenge

Tasha's Thinkings - Vampire Drabbles - AtoZChallenge 2020 - C

AtoZChallenge 2020 - Vampire Drabbles

Greetings fellow AtoZers and other visitors, I hope we are all well for day 3 of this wonderful blog challenge. My word for the vampire drabbles today is 'cure' and this is what popped into my head. I very much hope you like it.

C is for Cure

Lawrence sat and watched as the horizon began to lighten, gaining a golden tint.


He did not turn, even though he could hear the distress in the voice.

"Come inside, please."

"I can't, Issie," he replied. "I've tried everything else, this is the only cure left."

She did not reply. Thinking he had won, he returned to watching the dawn.

"This is suicide."

Now he looked up, because she was right beside him.

"Go inside," he insisted.

"You die, I die," was all she said.

He glanced at the fledgling sun once before dragging her through the open door.

Thank you so much for visiting - drop your comments and links below - I try and visit back everyone I can.
Have you ever just sat and watched the dawn?

This year I am also taking part as my alter ego Virginia Waytes - all about the characters and setting for my new paranormal romance podcast and eBooks, Sexy Stories - The Manor. Check out today's post: C is for Club - The Manor

 AtoZChallenge Master List
Click here to see all the other wonderful bloggers taking part.


  1. Sometimes, the cure's not worth it.

  2. What a great drabble... 100 words jam-packed with setting, characterization, conflict, and intensity. Well done

    I'm a huge fan of writing/reading micro and flash fiction. Feel free to stop by and check out a few of my tiny 'A to Z' stories at

    1. Thank you very much, micro and flash fiction can be so much fun, can't it. I shall drop by your blog shortly 💖

  3. A to Z and yummy recipes too! It's the best of both worlds!
    Happy A to Z'ing!

  4. It takes such a talent to pack a complete story into so few words. I used to have an inverted sleep cycle, so I was awake as dawn broke many days.

    1. It is a beautiful time of day. When I was a teenager we used to drive down to the west country on holiday once a year and we always went over night. I remember watching the dawns from the back of the car.

  5. Live together and die together...till death do us apart! The cure was too costly, I feel. Wish he could find some other cure and continue rather than accept this fate.

    1. She'll keep him going until they find something better.

  6. I do love a good love drabble - nice one!

  7. You jump, I jump. The reworded Titanic line! It keeps coming up in my life lately. Funny I'd see it in blogs, too. Very cool. Good luck with your A to Z.

    1. Is this where I have to admit I have never seen Titanic? 😂 Maybe it's making people feel safer to know they are not alone?

  8. Awwww
    Happy Blogging :)
    C is for Crime

  9. Totally, charming. Kudos to you for writing a new micro-fiction every day, plus the second blog. Enjoy the A to Z Challenge.

    1. I love drabbles which is why I chose them for this month because I really enjoy writing them. It's the other blog that is taking the work this time 😉. Thank you for stopping by.

  10. Sounds like he's at a crossroads. Good story.

  11. Nice to meet some vampires in love.

  12. Interesting how some scenes can humanize a supernatural creature. Another fantastic drabble, Tasha!

  13. Beautiful, saving the one you love.

    Rebel xox


Thank you so much for reading. I love to hear from people. Please leave your comments below.