
Friday, 12 April 2019

K is for Knole House - Karma by Natasha Duncan-Drake - Day 11 #AtoZChallenge

K is for Knole House

Welcome to day 11 of the AtoZChallenge. Firstly I have to apologise for not popping round to visit more of those taking part this week - it's been a bit of a less than stellar few days. I hope to get back into the swing of things soon.

Every day this month I will be writing a flash fiction ghost story inspired by local places near where I live in Kent. Today I have chosen Knole House in Sevenoaks. Now this has 2 very famous ghosts, Lady Anne Clifford, who lived many more fruitful years after the death of her vane first husband Richard Sackville the 3rd Earl of Dorset, but who still returns to haunts Knole house where she lived with him. The other ghost is Richard himself, known as the Black Knight. It is interesting that the two are never seen together.

This is not a scary story and I have chosen a drabble today (exactly 100 words), because it felt right.


by Natasha Duncan-Drake

Lady Anne walks the avenue of old trees, waiting for any sign of the Black Knight. Hers is a thankless task, but in death, she will do what was never permitted in life.

As his wife she suffered Richard's humiliations, his wayward defeats, but not so now.

Her life was greater, her spirit stronger. As they roam the estates which once they owned, Anne will keep her husband in check.

Only as a warning will she allow his shade freedom to ride the grove or wander the halls. In death let him be useful where in life he was not.

Dramatic Reading on Patreon

For this month I am also recording dramatic readings of all the ghost stories. These are available on my Patreon. They alternate between public and patrons only every other day - today's is public.

Visit Other AtoZers:

AtoZChallenge Master List of Blogs 

Please do let me know what you think of the story and leave me links to your AtoZ entries so I can visit you back. I love to chat.
Why do you think Lady Anne could be haunting Knole House when she was neither happy their nor lived their for the majority of her life?


  1. It sounds like she's definitely getting her own back now

  2. Know Knole having lived near there but neither ghost appeared.


Thank you so much for reading. I love to hear from people. Please leave your comments below.