
Wednesday, 27 March 2019

#AtoZChallenge 2019 - Late Theme Reveal

#AtoZChallenge 2019 - Late Theme Reveal

I seem to be totally disorganised for this year's AtoZ challenge, which is a shame because it's the 10th anniversary! I only decided on my theme very late and completely missed the theme reveal blog hop, but I do have one now and I will be taking part.

My theme this year is Ghost Stories, specifically, short ghost stories written by me inspired by places in Kent (where I live) that are haunted.

Every day (I hope ;)) I will be posting a flashfic ghost story. Some will be scary, some funny, some poignant and all different.

There are so many haunted places around here it wasn't difficult to find spooks to inspire every letter, except Z. Did you know there is only one village in Kent that even has a Z in it's name? Nope, neither did I until I looked. Luckily it has a spooky connection, even if it isn't actually a true life ghost story.

Let me know if you're taking part this year and if you have a theme!


  1. Yep, I'm in again, although with a totally different theme to last year's serial killers. I admire people who are crazy enough to write a flash fiction piece each day. Good luck!

    1. Thank you - good luck to you too. I usually start back in Feb to get ready, but I've just had so much on. Believe it or not, the flash fic idea is the easy option ;) There may end up being a few drabbles in the mix.

  2. Better late than never. A cliche that is apt. In fact, better late than in April. I look forward as always to your A to Z scares.

    I'm posting once again - a short crime story in 28 scenes; apx 500 words each. So, not quite a novella. I'm halfway through writing it so behind - no thanks to a bad cold.

    1. Good luck with getting it all finished - I have half a story so far, so I'm going to be really, really busy this weekend! :D I may not sleep :P

      Hope the cold is better.


Thank you so much for reading. I love to hear from people. Please leave your comments below.