
Saturday, 6 October 2018

The Horror of Shakespeare #6 - I am One Who Loved Not Wisely

Every day in October I will be posting a horror/paranormal drabble (100 word story) inspired by a Shakespeare Quote. 
🎃Happy Saturday one and all! Hope you are having a good weekend. Today I have a ghostly horror for you.

I am One Who Loved Not Wisely

Natalie screamed. The room exploded, slamming everything against the walls. Lynn, Rick's new wife, fainted as he reared back from her, turning.

"Now you see me," Natalie yelled at Rick, enjoying his terror. "Not so gone, Darling. I won't let you do it again."

"Yo…you can't be here, you're…"

"Dead, I know," she said, as the power swirled through her soul. "And tonight, so are you."

She curled her righteous anger around his hand and the knife he'd been about to use. To the cops it would look like he'd stabbed himself in the heart in a fit of remorse.
If anyone would like to join in, please do!


  1. nice

  2. She took by th' throat the circumcised dog
    And smote him thus.

    The dogged law wilt believe what seems clear.


Thank you so much for reading. I love to hear from people. Please leave your comments below.