
Monday, 19 March 2018

#AtoZChallenge 2018 Theme Reveal

#AtoZChallenge 2018 Theme Reveal

It's AtoZ Theme Reveal day!

Quick recap - AtoZChallenge, runs through April, 26 posts, each inspired by a letter of the alphabet, lots of bloggers, lots of wonderful posts, and lots of us have themes. P.S. Anyone can play and there's still time to join.

A theme links all of our posts together. Themes are not compulsory, but they are fun.

My theme this year is:

Movie Monsters

Every day I will be talking about some of my favourite movie monsters and the films they come from. Well, okay, for some letters, not my favourite, because I was scraping the barrel, but definitely interesting, and, yes, I have seen every one of the films and monsters I will be talking about.

  • Some of the monsters will have human faces
  • Some of the monsters are animals
  • Some are vicious aliens/paranormal creatures
  • And some of them aren't as bad as they might seem at all.
A few letters are a theme within a theme, for example, I bet those who have visited my blog before never would have guessed that "V is for Vampire" - other days will be a mixture of monsters whose names begin with that letter.

I am very much looking forward to seeing everyone in April and checking out all the other wonderful posts. Now I have to go and write mine :). Good luck to all taking part.

Go here for all the details on the official blog post about the Theme Reveal.
Go here to see all the blog participating in the Theme Reveal

BTW, while we're waiting for April, if you'd like to see what I've done in other years my themes so far have been:


  1. Hi Natasha ... I'll enjoy these - yet am not that happy with monster movies! Cheers Hilary

    1. They're not all monstery monsters - promise :) Some are fantasy monsters.

  2. Hi! I'd much, much rather read about monsters than watch them from behind a crack in my fingers. :-) Though I guess some could just be magical creatures like the hippogriff. (why am I instantly thinking of Harry Potter?!)

    All the very best for a successful and fun challenge.


    1. I hope to have a wide range of monsters for all tastes :)
      Thank you - you too.

  3. Yeah! Love a good monster theme. Good luck with the challenge!
    Song a Day
    Theme Reveal

  4. Thank you for visiting my blog. Monsters! A great idea and I will be visiting to see what you dream up for us.

    1. Thank you for the visit back :). I think, more than anything, I will be proving how I love cheesy movies ;)

  5. Oh great theme Natasha, look forward to reading about the monsters :-)

  6. Fifth consecutive year... and interesting theme, good luck !

  7. This looks so good. I look forward to see what you come up with. I can already think of a few that I'd write about!

    1. I did have a lot of fun deciding which ones to choose :)

  8. So they won't all be scary, promise..?

    1. Promise - some are scary, some are even a little bit cute and a few are even funny.

  9. What a fun theme! I look forward to meeting these monsters!

  10. I love movie monsters! The Creature of the Black Lagoon is my favorite. Can't wait to see what you'll be posting!

    1. I remember seeing that film as a child and feeling so sorry for the monster. Thank you for visiting.

  11. Monsters from movies...sounds so different and interesting Natasha. I am all eager to know them, one alphabet a time all through out April.
    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    1. I do love a good monster movie :) Thank you so much for visiting back.

  12. This is a great idea. I am really looking forward to checking out these posts. I have a quick question that has come up on twitter. Is Clifford the Big Red Dog a kaiju?

    1. I thought Clifford grew because Elizabeth loved him so much, which I think would rule out kaiju :)
      Thank you for visiting :D

  13. That's an interesting theme! Yay! Will definitely come back to read your posts :)
    AtoZ at Kohl Eyed Me
    AtoZ at Something's Cooking

  14. Oh my goodness, you're speaking my language. I'm always looking for some good monster movies and just learning about monsters in general.

    Rebecca at Sloth Reads
    Reading and Writing Stories and Poetry for Young Readers

    1. Monsters are so much fun. I can't guarantee all the movies will be "good" movies :) - I like some really cheesy films ;)

  15. Neat reveal. Thanks for reminding me of A to Z 2018 as unaware that it was imminent. Maybe it's too late.

  16. It sounds great! I'm not a big watcher of horror films, ans still I love reading about them. Now how's that?

    The Old Shelter - Theme Reveal - Weimar Germany

    1. I discovered I have a limit when it comes to monsters too - for the first time I used VR on the PS4 - it had zombie clowns - I never, ever want to do anything like that again :) I will stick to the movies and books!

  17. Movie monsters. Cool! Have fun with that, Tasha. :)

  18. This is an unusual theme Tasha and I'm intrigued as I'm not really a Movie Monster fan. Good luck with the challenge.
    Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond

    1. Thank you - they're not all scary monsters, promise :)

  19. This is one perfect for my husband, who is a Movie Monster fan but he is more "old school" (Godzilla, etal). I'm looking forward to the ones you pick and see how many I know. Alana

    1. I have some old school in there as well as some not so old school. I'm an equal opportunities monster fan ;) Thank you for visiting.

  20. woo hoo... a monstor theme.. Wish you the best of luck :)

  21. I'm sure monsters will provide some light relief for us all in between writing posts. See you on the 1st April!

  22. As long as a certain Pinhead makes an appearance in your list, I'd be a happy man. All the best, Tasha.

    1. I could not possibly comment ... but you won't be disappointed ;)

  23. Oooo.. This will be fun and hopefully not scary! Lol.. looking forward to your posts :-)

    1. I feel I should rank my chosen monsters on a scale of scary, maybe from 1 to 5 :) Some are definitely 1s - not anything scary about them at all :D

  24. Great theme, I think it's always interesting how some screenwriters created a monster to fear, others to love and others to laugh at, too!

    1. Thank you, and yes, I totally agree. Monsters are diverse.

  25. Cool theme! I need more movies on my watch list anyway :) See you in April!

    The Multicolored Diary: Weird Things in Hungarian Folktales

  26. Can't wait to see what monsters you pick.
    This year, I'm doing it with a personal blog about a chronic illness I have.

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Dining with IC
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  27. Scary or fun monsters? Waiting to find out!


  28. I love monster 🎥 movies. The scarier the better. I still like the silly ones, but not nearly as much as the the movies that scare the hell out of me. Anyway, it looks like I’m gonna have fun with your theme. Thanks for visiting my theme Reveal.

  29. I love the sound of this. Interested to see which creatures you choose

  30. I am not a monster fan but your theme and blog have piqued my interest. Hope to read your posts and have loads of fun.

  31. Monsters, monsters, monsters...I'm loving it already!

    Marquessa @simplymarquessa from The Next Chapter
    Visiting from the 2018 A to Z Challenge

  32. Thanks for visiting me and I'll be putting you on my 'must read' list. See you soon!
    Stephanie Finnell
    @randallbychance from
    Katy Trail Creations

  33. What a great theme! I love anything fantasy and paranormal related so I'm sure I'll enjoy your posts. I'm following on Feedly and look forward to visiting during April.


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