
Monday, 6 February 2017

The #AtoZChallenge 2017 - Changed, but only a little. It will be awesome!

The #AtoZChallenge 2017 - Changed, but only a little. It will be awesome!

For those who don't know what it is, the AtoZChallenge is an event that happens every April with thousands of blogs participating. Every day in April, apart from Sundays, bloggers post using the letter of the alphabet for that day (1st = A etc) as an inspiration. Many blogs have themes that run through their monthly posts. I've done it for four years so far, this will be number five and it is a great way to meet other bloggers and find some wonderfully interesting people.

It used to run on a huge list, which everyone signed up to and everyone could go through to find the blogs they wanted to visit. However, with so many people taking part this has, apparently, become unwieldy, so the powers that be have come up with a new system for this year.

It sounds like it is going to be a blast. I won't go into the changes here, because they have it set out very clearly, and very nicely in there post:

The theme reveal will be on the 20th March, so at least that gives me some time to figure out what on earth I am going to post about this year :).


  1. We will Try... even if we do not get signed up...
    ... poor heath... do not know how we will be in April... go next month for another CT scan... (found tumor on my heart... and we are already Terminal before it was found... (would Not have been found then if were not having a batch of scans and tests made (a bit over a years ago) that batch of Tests was because one of the fluid-filled "orbs" in my chest had burst... dumping large amounts of white blood cells into my body...

    1. I am so sorry to hear that.
      I wish you luck with the AtoZ if your health allows it.

  2. Thanks for being positive about the changes. I think it will work great.

    1. I really hope it does, although I suspect there will be a bundle trying to comment for the first few days - I hope the site can cope.

  3. The change makes sense and there are ways around the problem of days offline - well I think there are. Will have to blog about this annoucement as I promised my followers.

    1. Oops mispelled 'announcement'.

    2. I hope everything goes smoothly. It does make sense, but may penalise those people who can't get to the keyboard first thing.

    3. Think that there will be a way for 'belated' posting - well I hope so. That is sometimes my approach on Facebook.

  4. I've actually been debating if I'm going to do it this year. Not because I don't want to, but because the lack of energy I've been experiencing lately. Hopefully it's just because winter is soul sucking and by April I'll be feeling more energized.

    1. I hope your energy improves - it has been rather like that this winter, hasn't it. I have no clue what to do as a theme yet. Must get the thinking cap on.

  5. One thing I didn't see addressed in their announcement was the subject of categories. Readers of knitting blogs may not be interested in erotica, etc. Did you get any sense of how or if there would be categories without a sign-up?

    1. Hadn't thought of that, not using categories myself. I wonder if the comments will have an expected format - or if it's supposed to be in the title of the post? Might be worth mentioning, to see if there is a plan.


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