
Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Cover Reveal: Dead Before Dawn (The Vampire Curse) #WriterlyWednesdays 39

Greetings and welcome to Writerly Wednesday 39. Thank you so much for dropping by. Today I am excited to reveal the new cover for my latest vampire novel: "Dead Before Dawn: The Vampire Curse".

This one is going to be serialised, for free, on Wattpad very soon. I'm editing like a mad thing at the moment.

Drop me a comment with your username and I will make sure to follow you.
For those who don't know, Wattpad is a free website with lots of wonderful stories to read. It also has apps for many, many devices. You can log in with your Facebook, your G+ or with email and password. It takes only a second to create an account - then you can follow authors and receive updates when they post new chapters.
The book is a gay, polyamory, vampire romance set in the modern world. The lead character is called Max ... and that's all I'm going to tell you at the moment :).

So are you ready for the cover reveal?

Drum roll please ...

 (if you're wondering about the size - that's the recommended size for Wattpad :))


  1. Beautiful cover! I like the font for Dead.

    1. Thank you, it's Bastarda-K with a little tweak on the second D so that it's easier to read. (

  2. That is indeed a snazzy cover. Nice colour palette.

    I've never gotten into Wattpad. Have you release material there before?

    1. Nope this is the first time (apart from uploading a free book when I first opened the account and doing it all wrong :)) - it's an experiment. Some people seem to love it over there, others hate it, so I thought I would give it a go.

      This seems to be a good place to start:

  3. Ooh! I love the the title. Super exciting times!

  4. Lovely cover! I also love the font for Dead. Good luck with the serialization on Wattpad! :D

    1. Thank you :) I wanted a font that said paranormal and was pretty, but still legible.


Thank you so much for reading. I love to hear from people. Please leave your comments below.