
Thursday, 28 April 2016

X - Xavier Brown - Fictional Phantoms #AtoZChallenge 2016

Welcome to X in the AtoZChallenge. I'm very sorry, I couldn't find a Fictional Phantom for X, so I have made one up. I hope you like him - I might use him in a story one day.

Xavier Brown (My Imagination :))

Xavier Brown died after contracting smallpox at the age of seventeen, the same winter his mother died of the disease. However, unlike his mother, his cause of death was not, in fact, the pox.

After his wife's death, Xavier's father, Robert, went slightly mad. He can to believe the only way to beat a disease such as small pox was to cut out all signs of infection from the afflicted individual. Robert's attentions killed his son in a most gruesome way.

Xavier saved his sister from the same fate by coming back and killing his own father.

Now, no one in the small village of East Morton hurts their children, well, not twice at least.

It is said the children see the kindly smiling face of Xavier Brown, while parents who abuse their children see the bloody mess his father's attempts at a cure left behind. If they are lucky all he leaves them with is a small scar down their left cheek, a warning and a sign to all of what they have done. If he finds them irredeemable then all anyone ever finds is the blood.
My Other Blogs
I am sharing blogging duties with my sister, Sophie, on two other blogs for the AtoZ as well :

And Sophie also has her own blog in the AtoZ too:

Other People's Blogs
Don't forget to check out the other participant in this years AtoZChallenge. Click on the image to visit the main site and see the full list.


  1. Wow, what a fabulous phantom Tasha! Great imagination and great story. Definitely one I'd like to read!
    I like how the good people see his smiling face but the bad parents see the gruesome face...or worse.

    I came by just now to check out your W post (which I did) and saw your X post and thought, Yikes, have I been on the computer that long that we're already into the next letter??! Ha. My eyes are hurting and so is my butt! The A-Z is not good for an exercise program!

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Thank you :) He came into being while I was lying in bed pondering how to make a ghost scary and yet not scary at the same time :) I know what you mean about the AtoZ and exercise - I so need to get back in the gym :)

  2. I can see why Xavier would come back like this and take care of the abusers like this. What a gruesome fate he had!


    1. Very, but he has to make sure no one else suffers the same.

  3. Hi Tasha - gosh that's some X phantom ... clever imagination too - cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you :D I had a vague notion for him and then he just popped into being in my head when I seriously started thinking about him.

  4. I like the sound of Xavier! Love that the child and parent see him differently :)

    Mars xx
    @TrollbeadBlog from
    Curling Stones for Lego People

    1. Thank you - I didn't want him to frighten the kids when he didn't have to :).

  5. Ooo! Gruesome. It's nice that he saves other children from the same fate.

  6. Ditto The Katy comment. Yuck. How horrid of you. :) Job well done!

  7. Yikes, that's a scary image. Well done! This spook would make an excellent scary story.

    Today I'm pulling double duty at and

    1. Thank you :) I think I may have to write his story when I have time.

  8. What a cool ghost. You definitely have to use him in a story.

  9. I like this guy! Definitely a great character to write about! Everybody needs to feel like they have somebody on their side--even if he is a slightly murderous ghost.
    Sorchia’s Universe

  10. Very, very good! I like Xavier a lot and the fact that evil parents and good children see him differently is very clever. Well done.

    Meet My Imaginary Friends

  11. Great ghost. He has some great traits that would make a classic and memorable ghosts.

    ~Ninja Minion Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  12. How horrible. That was excruciating for Xavier, but I like the fact that he saved his sister and that he is a beacon of protection (as a ghost) for children that are abused.

    Visiting from the A to Z Blog Challenge.

    Patricia @ EverythingMustChange

  13. That was a truly gruesome tale. Poor Xavier.

  14. Sounds both tragic and creepy. Glad he spared his sister.

    The Immarcescible Word

  15. Wow, creepy. I haven't heard of him before.

  16. Wait, you made Xavier up? Way to go! He's a cool guardian ghost. Too bad he can't really work for abused kids.
    @deb_atwood from
    Pen In Her Hand

  17. That is a cool ghost story. He needs to be real.

    Susan Says

  18. Wow, coming from your imagination that is a very creepy phantom!

    Tracy (Black Boots, Long Legs)

  19. I like the fact that Xavier appears benign to the abused children and horrific to the adult abusers.

  20. Very clever. Not only creating your 'X' character, but giving him an interesting story line.

  21. What a horrible fate for poor Xavier, but I like that he's teaching abusive parents a lesson, even if it is bloody.


Thank you so much for reading. I love to hear from people. Please leave your comments below.