
Monday, 25 April 2016

U - Sir George Uproar - Fictional Phantoms #AtoZChallenge 2016

Welcome to Fictional Phantoms for the letter U on the AtoZChallenge. We're almost at the end, but I still have a few good ones left for you. Today is a ghost doing his best to protect his home in the only way he knows how. I hope you enjoy my choice for today.

Sir George Uproar (The Ghosts of Motley Hall)

Sir George Uproar is the leader of a band of five ghosts who haunt Motley Hall. These ghosts have been haunting the Hall for hundreds of years, the oldest being from the Elizabethan period.

Sir George was a soldier in the nineteenth century, a General in the British army. He died by falling down the stairs, breaking his neck and ended up a ghost. He is noisy and likes to make his opinion known.

In life he led his men into battle. In death he leads the ghosts as they strive to save their home. An Uproar has lived in Motley hall since the Elizabethan era, but in 1976, the last Uproar, Sir Humphrey, was killed when an elephant crushed him. This left the hall open to being bought by unsuitable types.

With the help of Mr Gudgin, a local real estate agent, who understands the ghost's plight, Sir George and his friends haunt Motley Hall to put off potential buyers and developers. They cannot have their mouldering home destroyed or converted.

How far would you go if your home was threatened by destruction and redevelopment?

My Other Blogs
I am sharing blogging duties with my sister, Sophie, on two other blogs for the AtoZ as well :

And Sophie also has her own blog in the AtoZ too:

Other People's Blogs
Don't forget to check out the other participant in this years AtoZChallenge. Click on the image to visit the main site and see the full list.


  1. I did have a home (rented) which was redeveloped, it was demolished less than a week after we moved out, difference is I knew that when we took it on, we just thought (hoped) it would take longer for them to get planning permission for the new builds...

    If I was a ghost and I wanted to stay put, I guess I'd do anything short of killing someone else, but scaring and putting people off seems okay ;)

    Mars xx
    @TrollbeadBlog from
    Curling Stones for Lego People

    1. Time to get out the sheets and rattle the chains :)

  2. I've never heard of this story, but it sounds like a lot of fun :-)
    I'm going to hunt it down.

    The Old Shelter - Jazz Age Jazz

    1. My sister has the series on DVD - it's one of those fond childhood memories.

  3. Hi Natasha ... Motley Hall and Sir George - I can relate to ... my grandmother's house in Little Common was pulled down and made into a housing estate - if I could rewind things .. I'd bring it back! But change is necessary ... Sir George is lucky to have Mr Gudgin to help him and his motley ghostly crew keep their home in tact ... I like that ... cheers Hilary

    1. I imagine when you're stuck in a place seeing someone wanting to tear it down would be nightmarish.

  4. My home is being threatened by ants at the moment. I'd love to bring in some poison, but my new kitten sees the little critters as walking snacks. So I'll have to be more crafty. As a ghost, I would think having new tenants would be fun as well--someone to scare.

    1. Good luck with getting rid of the ants - they can be a right pain.

  5. Hands down the best name for a noisy ghost ever :D

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    The Multicolored Diary

  6. I'd rather come back as a ghost to protect family rather than a place. But that sounds like a fun story.

    Susan Says

    1. Me too I think - although I'd rather not need to come back at all ;)

  7. Glad that he is a noisy ghost. Would be glad he announces his appearances. I would think if my mom was threatened that I would do anything I could to save it, but if it got to the point that it was a losing thing, then I would take what I can and move on.


    1. I suppose that is one advantage of a noisy ghost, you always know if he's coming :)

  8. I remember hearing about that series some years ago and the name Sir George Uproar is so colorful Guess I can't blame him for being in an uproar!!!

    Meet My Imaginary Friends

    1. The GHosts of Motley Hall is one of those fond childhood memories I have even though I was really too young to appreciate it when it first came out. I always remember the ep about the doppelgänger.

  9. This looks delightful. I guess it was made into a TV series for children. I would love to see it!
    @deb_atwood from
    Pen In Her Hand

    1. Yes - it was shown from 76 to 78 :) I was only 6 when it ended, but it's one of those things that stuck in my memory :)

  10. I'm enjoying the story in my head already. What a plight for a group of ghosts and a realtor.

    1. A plight they did their very best to deal with - I only have the vaguest memories of the series, but I remember loving it.

  11. Have heard of those ghosts but never seen them. I'd be good at throwing things to protect my home if it was being abused.

    1. I can't hit the broad side of a bus when throwing things, so if I did that it might be a bit dangerous ;)

  12. I love the idea of the real estate agent helping the ghosts. I can't imagine being a real estate agent trying to sell a haunted house...or a murder house. That would be tough.
    Sounds like a fun story.

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. This is one of those vague childhood memories I have, although my sister has the DVD that I keep meaning to borrow :)

  13. That premise reminds me of the ghosts from Beetlejuice when their home was 'invaded' by new owners. :)

    The Immarcescible Word


    1. Yep, very similar idea, although this came first by ten years or so :)

  14. I remember watching this series on television. I think I enjoyed it. As ghosts went I don't think they were too scary.
    Writing Women’s Fiction

    1. No, it was definitely for children, so not too scary :)

  15. Haven't heard about these guys either, but honestly I don't have anymore fight in me. LOL It's yours, oh the ghosts want it? Hmm... okay, it's there! :)

    1. :) Personally I think I'd be, oh, there a light, I'm off.

  16. Ghosts can sure be fussy about letting go of their homes. Me, I'd just move on to somewhere else. There's a whole world to explore.

    1. Ah, but these ones were trapped in the hall, so they had no choice. They were fighting for their home.

  17. Sorry ghosts, but houses are for the living.

  18. A friend of mine has a haunted house. She and her guests occasionally see the old owner from the 1800's standing around. He doesn't seem to mind the upgrades they have made, lol.

    1. It's good when the ghosts aren't fussy about the changes :)

  19. This ghost is new to me. haunting to save their home. How sweet in a creepy way.

  20. I'd like to think that a house is just a house, and that as long as I had my family with me I could make a home anywhere. But, I know that I would be sad if something happened to our house. I think I would actually be sadder for my kids, as this is the only house that they've known.

    Tracy (Black Boots, Long Legs)

    1. That's a good way to think :) Home is where the heart is, not where the building stands.

  21. This series rings a bell--I may well have watched it when I was little. Sounds like the kind of thing I would have enjoyed! :)

    Like Tracy S, in the end, I don't think I would be so attached to the house. As long as my family and I had somewhere to move to, I'm not sure I would be that bothered.

    1. TGoMH is a memory I have like watching Tom Baker as Doctor Who - some of it's muddled, but it makes me want to see it again :). With Dr Who I did find I had the monsters all muddled in my head when I rewatched it.


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