
Wednesday, 6 April 2016

E - Enola Sciotti - Fictional Phantoms #AtoZChallenge 2016

Welcome to day five of the AtoZChallenge and my theme of Fictional Phantoms. I hope everyone is still raring to go. Today I have a ghost who looks horrifying, but whose nature is kindly.

Enola Sciotti (Crimson Peak)

Enola, third wife of Sir Thomas Sharpe (Tom Hiddleston) is the brilliant Crimson Peak (Guillermo del Toro).

Enola Sciotti was Italian by birth, from Milan, and fell for Sir Thomas when he visited there seeking funding for his red clay extracting machine.

She, like Thomas' previous two wives, was poisoned by Lucille, Thomas' sister, while he watched on. Unlike his other wives she realised what was going on an managed to prolong her life by saying she could keep Lucille and Thomas' incestuous child alive by nursing it.

She failed and then she also died. She haunts Allerdale Hall, still holding the baby she nursed, trying to show Edith, Thomas' fourth wife, the truth to help save her from the same fate she suffered.

She is a sad figure, her body red from the clays under the crumbling ruin of Allerdale Hall, known locally as Crimson Peak.

Could you overcome fear to listen to a ghost's warnings, or would you be too frightened to stay long enough to hear what they were?

My Other Blogs
I am sharing blogging duties with my sister, Sophie, on two other blogs for the AtoZ as well :

And Sophie also has her own blog in the AtoZ too:

Other People's Blogs
Don't forget to check out the other participant in this years AtoZChallenge. Click on the image to visit the main site and see the full list.


  1. I'd run out long before the ghost ever finished its warning!

    Cheers - Ellen |

  2. That's such a sad story. Is it based on fact? I hope Enoli is able to prevent the fourth wife from succumbing to the fate.

    As a ghost fan, it would be hypocritical of me to run away without listening to a warning. But then, I am a coward...

    1. As far as I know it's all from the head of Guilllermo del Toro. You have to see the movie to find out - well worth it, I promise :) I'd run too - I'm sure.

  3. That's such a sad story. Is it based on fact? I hope Enoli is able to prevent the fourth wife from succumbing to the fate.

    As a ghost fan, it would be hypocritical of me to run away without listening to a warning. But then, I am a coward...

  4. Under normal circumstances I would freak out. But if I could calm down I would like to hear their story. I love the way you did your A to Z logo.
    Great to see you again this year.
    Im blogging from Fill the cracks and Moondustwriter's Blog. Happy A to Zing!

    1. It's the whole calming down that is the trick :). Thank you - I enjoy making the odd graphic.

  5. What a horrifying picture! Wow! I've never heard of Enoli!

    1. Crimson Peak is a great film if you get the chance - it's Gothic romance rather than horror - so it's a story that has ghosts, not a ghost story.

  6. I think I would be too frightened to stick around! Sometimes I have nightmares where I'm surrounded by evil and can't really move. That is scary enough (and causes me to groan and moan in my sleep, causing my husband to try to wake me up; interesting my mom had the same type of dreams); so I definitely wouldn't want to put myself into situations like that if at all possible.

    Enoli did try to have her life spared; sad it didn't quite work out that way.


    1. Those sounds like nasty nightmares *hugs* Ghosts are probably left alone, I agree.
      Enola is a sad victim, poor thing.

  7. That's a bad fate, even for a ghost. Trying to warn people, but looking so frightening that people won't listen...


    1. Very true - a bit like Cassandra knowing the future and no one believing her, only in this case it's more a matter of people running away before they get the message.

  8. I've never seen Crimson Peak but I may have to change that now as I'm intrigued!

    I hope I would be able to stay around long enough to heed a warning, but I do scare easily so I'm not convinced!

    Mars xx
    @TrollbeadBlog from
    Curling Stones for Lego People

    1. I love the movie - just don't go in expecting horror. It's Gothic romance with ghosts in it.

      I think we'd all have to try the situation to find out, wouldn't we :)

  9. That was an interesting movie. I was a bit disappointed in it, but there was definitely a good story behind it.

    I can say from experience that I'd be too scared to listen to warnings. They'd have to keep trying.

    1. I think a lot of places misbilled the movie as horror. It's not horror, but Gothic romance. I love it to bits :) Looks like most of us would be running away so far ;)

  10. I think this is the saddest ghost you've talked about so far. I like her story more in particular, maybe because she's not after vangeance, but rather she's trying to help someone.

    The Old Shelter - Jazz Age Jazz

    1. She is very sad and cursed by where she died. All the ghosts in Crimson Peak are monstrous, but they are not monsters, which is what makes them so touching.

  11. I was thinking about watching it but on the other hand I know that I won't be able to sleep properly after I watched it. I can get really jumpy if there are ghosts and stuff...
    Hm, I start to ask myself why I am following this blog *lol* No, not really.
    It's fascinating to read about them - and you tell their stories in such a great way! Let's see who you will introduce tomorrow!


    1. :) The ghosts are spooky in Crimson Peak, but it is much more a Gothic romance than a horror movie. However, if thing like that stick with you, it might be better to avoid it.

  12. Maybe it would depend what the ghost looked like...yikes!

    1. Good point well made :) I think if they looked like Enola I'd probably be running for the door.

  13. I love writing ghost stories! There are so many possibilities. Instead of always creepy and spooky, why not funny and snarky? :) Great theme, btw!

    1. Thank you :) Yes, ghost stories are a fabulous sub-genre and all the possibilities are wonderful.

  14. Yeah I'd run. Unless it was a ghost of me from the future.

    I’m exploring different types of dreams and their meanings.
    Stephen Tremp’s Breakthrough Blogs

    1. I'm pretty sure I'd be freaked out by a ghost of myself - my first suspicion would be that it was a trick ;)

  15. Never seen this one, but that's creepy as heck!

    1. It is isn't it - and they did all the ghosts with real people in prosthetics, just CGIing out bits.

  16. I believe in ghosts, and I believe I've seen one before. He was smiling when he appeared in my room. I screamed, and when I screamed he frowned. When my parents came running into the room, he disappeared. ~~~ So no, I could not tolerate a ghost!

    Piper Presley
    Editing Tools: Blogging From A to Z

    1. I wonder who your ghost was. I've never seen one, but I've heard one on several occasions. My husband's family seem to see ghosts everywhere.

  17. I haven't watched that movie but now I want to. I only wanted to see Tom but it sounds like a good story.

    1. It is a great story which breaks the moulds. Tom has the role that would have been played by a woman in the traditional set up of the Gothic romance plot, which beautifully subverts the genre.

  18. Well that is scary. I want to see it (mainly because Tom Hiddleston, but...giggle).

  19. I am learning so much about genres I've never explored before. Thank you.

    Meet My Imaginary Friends

    1. You're welcome - always happy to share the love :)

  20. I haven't seen this movie yet, but I have heard good things about it :) I'll have to go get it on DVD.

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    The Multicolored Diary

    1. It's worth a watch - I really enjoy it. I know some people were disappointed, but in a lot of cases I think that's because it was often billed as horror and it's not, it's Gothic Romance with ghosts.

  21. that ghost was darn scary in Crimson Peak. I think I'd be running way too fast to hear a warning.

  22. Strangely I think I would be brave enough to listen to a ghost's warnings - I think I might find it more credible, somehow.
    Writing Women’s Fiction

    1. An interesting view point ... I had not thought of it like that.

  23. I've never seen the movie, but now I want to. I also never believed in ghosts or angels or anything of that "afterlife," realm before, until my daughter who is my only surviving triplet girl told me that one of her triplet sisters has visited her twice, once when she was five and once when she was fifteen. The sister who visited her is the triplet who was her identical twin. Of the triplet girls, two were identical and one was fraternal with the identical. I know it's strange. I gave birth to triplet girls and two were identical and one was fraternal. They called them a pair and a spare. I suppose if they had all lived that would have been cute, but, it makes me sad. Anyway, all three girls became very ill when they were really young and two died. My daughter Blake is lucky to have survived. She is my miracle child. She swears her triplet sister has visited her on two occasions and they talked in her room. I told her she must have been dreaming, but she gets angry with me when I tell her that. The visits are very real to her. I don't know what it was: A dream, a ghost, an angel, or what. So I suppose if a ghost needed to warn me of my impending death, as scared as I would be, I would stay and listen.I enjoyed your ghost story and glad I found your blog during the challenge.

    1. The movie it worth a look :).
      The link between identical twins can be amazing. I'm an identical twin and stuff has happened too many times where one of us knows something is going on, or we end up writing the exact same plot (I kid you not), or one of us feels ill because of the other one, for it to just be coincidence. I'm very glad you have Blake, it sounds like it was a very difficult time for you. I hope the ghost of her twin, be she real or not, continues to be of comfort to her.

  24. You have a great list Tasha.
    Check mine.

  25. I'd listen to the ghost. I'd certainly have a lot of questions myself! How cool would it be to talk to one?

    1. While I like you attitude, if they looked like Enola, I'm not sure I would be brave enough :)

  26. um, i don't know. something that creepy looking might make run for the hills. i'm all for paranormal experiences, but i would probably wimp out if one manifested as strongly as she seems to do.

  27. I jumped to here! I can't read this one. Haven't seen the movie yet.

    Tim Brannan, The Other Side Blog
    2015 A to Z of Adventure!

    1. Then I wish you much enjoyment when you see the movie :)

  28. I think that I would probably be far to afraid to listen to a ghost. Or, my fear would cause me to quickly forget the finer details of the warning.

    Tracy (Black Boots, Long Legs)

    1. I can see that - fear either etches everything in your memory or clouds it :) Since the flight or fight response would be firing it would probably etch all the details of the ghost and how to escape and not what they were saying :)

  29. My education in phantoms is so lacking, lol. I have a friend who lives in a historic farmhouse haunted by the first owner. They and guests have seen him hanging around. I think I would freak out if he spoke.


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