
Sunday, 5 April 2015

Author Interview: Tiffany Shand - Denai Touch Blog Tour

Today I am very happy to welcome Tiffany Shand, author of Denai Touch to my blog. She was kind enough to answer a few questions about herself and her writing.

Author Interview: Tiffany Shand

Q. Can you tell us a little about yourself?
  • I’m in my late 20s and I’m currently studying for a journalism degree. When I’m not writing, you will usually find me reading or listening to a book.
  • I recently finish studying for diplomas in proofreading and copywriting and I’m hoping to start my own freelance business later this year.
  • I have two cats and a hamster, they’re all mad!
Q.  Writing – why?
  • I've been writing stories for a long as I can remember. I always loved reading, so I think writing just came naturally.
  • Writing is great therapy as well; I think it’s a great way of clearing your mind and making yourself feel better.
Q. Do you have a favourite character from your book(s)? Why?
  • I love all of my characters, but I would have to say probably Cate. She’s a strong woman and feisty, but she also has a vulnerable side.
Q.  What's easier for you, action, or dialogue, or description?
  • Definitely dialogue. I like listening to what my characters have to say.
Q. What is the hardest part of a book to write, beginning, middle or end?
  • The beginning because I’m not always sure what my story will turn into. I can have one idea and then the story changes into something completely different.
Q. Do you have any advice for other writers?
  • Try to write every day, even if it’s only a few sentences. The longer you stay away from writing, the harder it becomes. Read a lot and see how other authors have crafted their characters and their worlds.
Q. What is your favourite genre and why?
  • Definitely paranormal romance and fantasy because they are the most interesting genres. I love anything paranormal!
Q. When do you have the most fun writing a book? When you first start? When you are blazing along with the main bulk of the plot? When you are rounding it all up?
  • When I’m blazing along with the main plot and I know what direction the story is going in.
Q. Are you a dog or a cat person, why?
  • Probably a bit of both as I’ve had both dogs and cats. I recently adopted two cats and the RSPCA and they love to play.
Denai Touch
by Tiffany Shand

Cate McCray is no ordinary witch.

Prophesised to be the one to destroy the Covenant, an age-old organisation who seeks to enslave all Magickind, the race is on for them to kill her before she receives immortality.

But before receiving the phenomenal power that comes with it, she must first survive the ascension and the only person who can help her is her elemental partner, Jason Talbot. But when the time comes, her forbidden love for Jason threatens to destroy them both.

As leader of Excalibar, an elite team of Enforcers, they work to infiltrate the Covenant leading Cate into life-threatening situations. Can she outwit them before it’s too late?

Amazon US Paperback | US Kindle | Amazon UK Paperback | UK Kindle
About the Author

Tiffany Shand was born in Essex, UK and started writing short stories when she was a child.

She has always done writing in one form or another and started writing novels in her early teens.

Tiffany loves to read books and discovered her love for fantasy and paranormal romance during this time.

She writes both non-fiction and fiction, but mostly fantasy and paranormal romance.

After doing a creative writing course in her early 20s she is now a freelance writer and professional proofreader. She is currently studying for a journalism degree.

Tiffany lives in Essex with her two spoiled cats and one very nutty hamster. | Twitter @tiffanyshand | Facebook | G+ | LinkedIn | Amazon | Goodreads


  1. Dear Lady Tasha.... are we ("the Crypt" Not "listed" in the A to Z...???
    hope that you and yours have a great Easter Weekend,...
    We are just sitting here ... been at a bit of my Spore game...

    1. I can't find you in the list - I've searched for Theda and Crypt and you pop up in the theme reveal list, but not on the main AtoZ one. Had a great weekend thank you.


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