
Thursday, 30 April 2015

AtoZChallenge2015 - Z is for Zuul

Fictional Deities and Demons - AtoZ 2015
Hello and welcome to day 26 of the AtoZChallenge 2015.

Here were are on the last day and for once Z wasn't difficult :). We're with Ghostbusters again today because I had the other two and so I have to have Zuul as well.

Zuul, also called The Gatekeeper is a demi-god and one of the minions of Gozer, along with Vinz Clortho, the key master. Both Zuul and Vinz have to come together to bring about the coming of Gozer and help destroy the world.

After having once made and appearance in Dana Barrett's fridge, Zuul possesses her after tying her to a chair, turning her into something of a sexy siren. She then tries to seduce Peter Venkman before finally finding the real key master and consummating their bond to bring about the portal to allow Gozer into New York.

While opening the portal Zuul's true form is revealed:

When Gozer was defeated Zuul turned to stone, leaving Dana Barrett trapped inside what was akin to a statue.

I think Sigourney Weaver's portrayal of Zuul is absolutely brilliant. The scene on the bed where Peter is trying to work out what is going on with Dana is simply fantastic.

Sources: Wikipedia | Ghostbusters Wiki

So, if you have to deal with Zuul or VInz Clortho, which do you think you could handle?

My Other Blogs in the AtoZ: Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

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  1. Ghostbusters gave some great monsters. I think I'd rather deal with the keymaster. He seems a bit easier to handle.

  2. That was a great scene. Very funny, in a way!

  3. I think Zuul is one of the best ideas in the film. Which is an all aroud good film, so everythign is a plus ;-)

    Congratulation on finishing the challange. It was a tough travel for me at times, but great fun too.
    Great job!

  4. Sigourney Weaver is just wonderful full stop - I loved her interpretation of Zuul. The power she possessed, and the danger, only added to the humour of the scene because of Peter's reaction. I don't think I could handle Zuul in true from, but then again VInz terrified me. I'm be the one gibbering in the corner, if faced with either of these characters!

    On a separate note. I just wanted to say thanks - I've thoroughly enjoyed your theme. I had a blast!

  5. Ghostbusters brings back sooo many wonderful memories of my teen years. It truly was the beginning of great sci-fi movies to come.

  6. Your A to Z posts were wonderful! Congratulations!

    Precious Monsters

  7. I'm not a big fan of Ghostbusters and haven't seen it in ages, so I wasn't sure who Zuul was at first. :P Congratulations on finishing the Challenge! I enjoyed your posts. :)

  8. when you make the call, you call Zuul! Nice post for the entire challenge!

    "Z" we made it... thank you!
    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

    Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?

  9. Sigourney Weaver was great in that role. I've really enjoyed your posts this month - looking forward to finding out what you post about the rest of the year :-)

    Annalisa, writing A-Z vignettes, at Wake Up, Eat, Write, Sleep

  10. I wouldn't want to battle Zuul. Ghostbusters was so awesome. It's been fun learning about so many gods, demons, and such. Congrats on making it to Z!

  11. Awesome Z! I remember seeing that scene with Sigourney Weaver and thinking that was the first time she actually looked feminine and sexy. She's a great actress, but there was something about that scene that looked good on her!

  12. I was wondering if you'd do Zuul for Z! Yay! Awesome awesome choice.

    Congrats on making it to the end of the A to Z Challenge!
    A to Z Co-Host S. L. Hennessy

  13. Sigourney Weaver is always great. I'd probably prefer to deal with Vinz, but that's probably influenced by Rick Moranis, who, I feel, could possibly be defeated with hugs.

    Congratulations on completing the challenge, Tasha! It's been a lot of fun following your posts. :)

  14. I love Sigourney Weaver. She can do sexy and tough.

  15. Now that's one scary metamorphosis!

    You made it and you did it with style! Congrats.

  16. I think I would go with Zuul :) I did like Ghostbusters and Sigourney Weaver's role in it :)

    Congrats!!! We made it!!! Another successful challenge!! Did enjoy reading your posts; learned a lot of new things!


  17. ZUUL!!!!! So great. Loved that movie.

    Hey, thanks so much for all the posts this year and last. You really made me want to kick up my game doing vampires this year.

    Tim Brannan, The Other Side Blog
    2015 A to Z of Vampires

  18. Yay for finishing, Tasha!! I forgot that Sigourney Weaver played Zuul. Wasn't she fabulous? Thanks too for all your visits and support at my blog!

  19. Oh...forgot to say...Your posts this month were a 'ghoulish' treat. Thanks!

  20. Sigourney is fabulous. Quite versatile actress, everything from comedy, to drama to sci-fi to romance. A talented lady.

  21. Loved Ghostbusters! As for Zuul, I ain't afraid of no ghost! Enjoyed your posts. Congratulations for making it all the way to Z!

    Scribbles From Jenn - Visiting from the A to Z Challenge

  22. What's NOT to love about SW?... :D
    I really enjoyed your theme this year! :) Thank you for all the visits and comments! Looking forward to your reflections on Monday!

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - 26 Ways to Die in Medieval Hungary

  23. One of my favorite movies ever. There is, after all, only Zuul.

    Congrats on surviving the challenge! :)

  24. loved her parts. she kicks butt in all her roles. one of my favorites is her alien appearances.

    Great trip with all those gods and demons!

    thanks for commenting.

  25. I agree! And SW is an amazing actress. I love how diverse she is. Glad you made it through the A to Z! I've enjoyed your blog and the theme so much! Thanks for visiting mine as well. See you during reflections or IWSG? Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @

  26. Yay, Zuul! Although I think Vinz Clortho would be easier to deal with. He just walked around asking everyone if they were the gatekeeper. :)

  27. Hello dear Lady Tasha.... Hope that you are well....
    we have enjoyed your A to Z posts ...
    by the that is the old Mesopotamian word for "Evil" and spelled "Xul"....
    We studied for many years (Mostly Ancient MidEast demonology) so most folks would spell it with a "Z" as well..... The term was more in use during the time of Assyria.... ant the term "Xul" (sometimes "Hul") was more commonly used in their texts....

  28. What a great way to finish strong! Great letter Z and back to Ghostbusters, which I love. It was nice meeting you through the A-Z Challenge. I am really enjoying your blog.

  29. Zuul!! yeah ghostbusters! some of those demons and deities have some strange names! (w was more like wtf!) awesome job!!

  30. Great theme and a great ending - well done. Love what Sigourney Weaver does as so versatile. And would never want to cross any of her characters.

  31. We learned much from your A to Z posts , dear Lady....
    Many of these "Gods" we had heard of or were familiar with already....
    informative and enjoyable reading..... ...and She is a great actress....

  32. Hi Tasha - I don't know Ghostbusters at all .. so any of those characters would worry me - but I do like Sigourney Weaver ... Congratulations on taking us along your dark and troublesome road with its ghouls and ghosties ... cheers and see you around - Hilary

  33. Good one for the final letter. Well done getting to the end

  34. I love Sigourney Weaver in this! But I would prefer to tangle with anyone but Zuul, thank you. Your posts have been great fun. Looking forward to staying connected outside of A to Z. -- Jeri

  35. Yay! I love Zuul. The reveal of the creature's real form is one that has stuck with me forever.

    Congrats on finishing the challenge! I hope we'll keep in touch afterward. :)

  36. Great ending to the Challenge - I have the Ghostbuster collection. Love Sigourney's role. I've liked all her work though.

    Congrats on coming through the Challenge unscathed by deities or demons! :) :)

    Cheers, Jenny
    2015 A to Z Challenge Ambassador

  37. Love the Ghostbuster picks...they're ones I know! This one is also a great one to end your A to Z on. Such a good movie. Congratulations on making it from A to Z! I'm glad that we got to know one another a little bit over the last month. Elle @ Erratic Project Junkie

  38. I remember this movie and agree that Sigourney Weaver was great as Zuul.Sexy! ☺ Congratulations on finishing the challenge! Sorry for the late response. It's been fun getting to know all these dastardly demons.


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