
Thursday, 23 April 2015

AtoZChallenge2015 - T is for Thor

Fictional Deities and Demons - AtoZ 2015
Hello and welcome to day 20 of the AtoZChallenge 2015.

Happy Thor's day :).

So here we are at my third and last Thunder God - promise :). Thor,  son of Odin, and Norse god of thunder, lightning, storms, oak trees, strength, the protection of mankind, hallowing, healing and fertility. Boy, did he get around! Arguable he is the most famous thunder god I have chosen, after all he has a day of the week named after him :).

Today I am going to talk about my favourite incarnation of Thor from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Hands up who didn't see that coming considering who my favourite Loki is?

When we first meet Thor in the MCU he's an immature, hot headed idiot more likely to engage Mjolnir, his magic hammer, than his brain. He's also about to be crowned king of Asgard by his father Odin, which really is a very bad idea. Hence, Loki, his brother, sabotages the ceremony by letting a couple of Jotun, ancient enemies of Asgard, into the weapons vault to be killed by the Destroyer, knowing Thor will then do something monumentally stupid and hopefully make Odin see sense.

Thor runs off to Jotunheim with Loki, the Warriors Three and Lady Sif and almost starts a war. A bit more than Loki was originally going for.

For this he is banished to Earth with his powers stripped and is unable to wield Mjolnir until he is once again worthy. Luckily for him he is run over by Jane Foster ... twice ... and he falls in love with her and learns that maybe he is a bit of an idiot at times and needs to rethink how he goes about problems. He sacrifices himself to save his new friends and hence is once again worthy of Mjolnir.

Meanwhile Loki's been at home having a nervous breakdown while acting king since Odin is in Odinsleep, so Thor has to go home and sort him out. Then he has lots of adventures with the Avengers and with the Warriors Three and Sif and even Loki again.

What I love about Thor is his strength of character and how deeply he feels things. He comes to love Jane in only days, which have to be like a blink of an eye for a being a thousand years old. He loves Loki even if he doesn't trust him any more and he really wants his brother back. His word is his bond and he will lay down his life for his friends if necessary.

He's also really pretty when played by Chris Hemsworth ;).

Sources: My Brain | Wikipedia

So do you have a favourite Thor? MCU Thor, mythological Thor, Thor from The Incredible Hulk Returns, Comic book Thor?

My Other Blogs in the AtoZ: Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

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  1. My wife is a big fan of the one in the current movies.

  2. I've only seen the Marvel movies for Thor. All I can say is Yum. Although, I do have the first issue of the comic with the female Thor.

  3. Thor! Yes! And yes again! Chris Helmsworth did a great job of bringing him to life in the Marvel movies. I had no idea that Thor was the god of so much more than thunder. Busy fellow. :)

    1. Chris does such a great job, doesn't he - he seems to be the walking embodiment :) I had no idea how many things Thor was god of either - except fertility, I knew that because someone wrote a fanfic about it ;)

  4. Very very pretty when played by Chris Helmsworth!!! I'm excited for the next movie.

    You can find me here:

  5. Happy Thor's day indeed! :-) I love Thor. He's one of my all time favourite characters and that was before Chris Hemsworth brought him to life (and what a mighty fine representation ;-) He's just so honourable and his real strength comes from the heart, as you said. I'm going to watch Age of Ultron tonight. I'm like a child...counting down the minutes until I get to see my favourite superheroes light up the screen!

    1. I have to wait until next Tuesday to see AoU - we always go on Tuesdays because it's cheap night. I may be pouting!

    2. lol - I'll wait until Wednesday to yabber about it :-) then I can gush about the sheer awesomeness of it to someone who understand what I'm talking about!

  6. Okay if he could just keep his shirt on, to much swooning in the room. You know I look like that too... no not like him. Nope the wrinkled up shirt in the corner. lol

    1. LOL - I like how in the Thor movies they give us a gratuitous shirtless scene - but I suspect not so much in AoU *pout*

    2. Oh yeah.. there is a scene, I have seen it. My wife gets all giddy in the Thor movies... like it's Fifty Shades of a God... named THOR! I say lame... :)

    3. us ladies need to have some eye candy too! it's not fair that men get more in the movies.

      i love your line, jeremy, fifty shades of a god. i died laughing.

  7. Chris Hemsworth... yep, he'll do ;-)

    Annalisa, writing A-Z vignettes, at Wake Up, Eat, Write, Sleep

  8. I do love MCU Thor, but Jane makes me break out in hives. You can see Natalie Portman oozing boredom from the whole thing... They should really do away with her. Just a badly done character...
    I also kinda like Female Thor in the comics, even though a lot of fans are whining about it.

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - 26 Ways to Die in Medieval Hungary

    1. I have a soft spot for Jane, just because she has such a big brain :)
      I've not read the comics, but I see good things about Female Thor on Tumblr.

  9. Thor is awesome. I like Loki more though. ;)

    1. Me too :D I wish they'd make up properly so I could root for both of them at the same time all the time ;)

  10. I never thought much about Thor until Adventures in Babysitting. I haven't thought much about him since!

    1. I'm afraid I don't get the reference - I have to admit to never having seen that film :)

  11. I'm probably in the minority, but I'm not that big of a fan of MCU Thor (from the movie, anyway, haven't read the comics). Maybe it's because I heard Alexander Skarsgård auditioned for the part, but they cast Chris Hemsworth instead. I'm not bitter... ;)

    1. Awww - its hard when a fav doesn't get a role. I'm not sure I can imagine Alexander Skarsgard as Thor though - he's not enough like a Labrador puppy ;)

  12. Finally one that I knew :) I don't know much about him but his name and I think hubby has seen one of the Thor movies and I think I caught glimpses of it. I don't have a favorite Thor in a movie or book or series, but years ago son had a friend named Thor who was a cool kid. Anyway, funny story, one day we were driving around some place and we passed by the church that Thor and his family went to. I remarked to hubby since he didn't know this info, "That's Thor's church". My daughter said "no that can't be a Christian church because Thor is a Greek god." To us it was funny, probably not to many other people, but that's my favorite Thor :)


    1. Awww - LOL :) I wonder if growing up with a name like Thor is hard? One of the gymnasts I was watching on TV at the weekend had the surname Thorsdorttir which made me smile.

  13. I absolutely loved how the last movie ended. Go Loki! Sorry, Thor:) Chris does make a great Thor.

    1. He does, doesn't he - and Loki is my fav too. I do hope he's not about to do something monumentally stupid, however.

  14. Comic book Thor for sure. I wish I had all those old comics I collected as a kid.

    1. Ah, looking back there are so many things I wish I had kept too.

  15. I love the idea of Thor being pretty, and you're right, as he's pictured here he is darned pretty. Interesting story. I'm not really up on my Norse mythology, so this has been quite informative today.

    1. I think MCU has very little to do with Norse mythology :) - it's more a nod to it.

  16. I liked both Thor movies and of course the Avengers. Counting the days until the next one. Loki is the best bad guy ever. I love how he uses Thor's honor against him.

    1. I have tickets booked to see AoU tomorrow - I think most of my UK friends saw it yesterday :)

  17. I love me some Thor. The story, the movies and the actor who plays him. I think they did a great job casting Helmsworth as Thor. He definitely fits the part in my mind. :)

    Popping in from A-Z, and decided to follow.

    1. He is superb isn't he - they picked perfectly. :)

  18. Not to sound like a total girl here, but he's so dreamy :)

    Good luck with the A to Z Challenge!
    A to Z Co-Host S. L. Hennessy

  19. Before the movie version of Thor, I only remembered him from a few bad 80s comics where he came across as a total douchebag. He was this frail, crippled man with humility without the hammer, then totally seemed to forget about it when he picked up Mjolnir and started acting like a pompous ass.

    Well, that the Thor from the Adventures in Babysitting movie. HE was awesome.

    1. You're the second person to mention Thor and Adventures in Babysitting - I have no idea what the connection is :) Talking of bad 80s stuff, your description of Thor sounds like the Thor from one of the Incredible Hulk movies.

  20. Only know mythological Thor. I had a book of Norse myths as a kid, and a Greek one, and I read those over and over again! The Marvel version does seem to add some extra dimensions.

    1. I think, steal the names and run away with it might be what you mean when it comes to Marvel - LOL :)

  21. I didn't watch the film because a few friend talked bad about it. What's your opinion?

    The Old Shelter - Roaring TWenties

    1. The films are superb - I didn't like Thor when I first saw it, but I have to admit I was watching it on the PC and not paying attention. It's actually a great movie and Loki is the one to watch. The 2nd Thor movie is absolutely brilliant as are all the MCU films.

  22. Totally agree with your last statement. Thor is generally a very interesting god, with or without animation, film or graphics.

  23. I think movie Thor is probably my favorite, and not because he's hot (or at least just because).

    1. He's my fav version too - also not just because he's hot :)

  24. i love that gorgeous Thor in human flesh. Chris Hemsworth . . . **fangirl sigh**

  25. I never watched the Thor movies! I will rectify that this week! :D

  26. Oh yes, he is pretty! :) I've seen the Avengers, but not the actual Thor movies. It's a great legend though.

  27. I love all the Marvel movies, but other than the Avengers (which is kind of special) the first Thor one is I think still my favourite one. Such a great take on the character, and an epic feel. Speaking of multiple thunder gods, I'm not sure if you've read Kevin Hearne's Iron Druid series, but if not I think you would really enjoy them. The gods feature a lot in them in fun ways.


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