
Sunday, 18 January 2015

My Awesome Twin

I have come to the conclusion I don't gush enough about my wonderful twin sister, Sophie. She's a writer too as well as having a day job and she's incredibly talented.

Not only can she write, but she crochet's too. Look what she made me to keep my wrists warm while I'm writing:

Aren't they utterly gorgeous?! No more icy fingers for me.

Y'see both of us have long arms (inherited from our father) and jumpers and cardigans never reach all the way down our wrists - I have a total of two knit wear things that do and one is because it's too large and the other because it's a man's jumper. So these will keep me nice and toasty.

Soph just made them up as she went along, using bits of patterns and it only took her two days. I can't crochet to save my life, so I am in awe.

She is also a grammar goddess. You would not like to see my work without her editing skills. The way I butcher commas has to be seen to be believed. In return I read hers stuff and tell her that she has to break up sentences that are a paragraph long ;) (sometimes she gets over excited and forgets that fullstops exist ;)).

Soph has a blog over here: Sophie's Thoughts and Fumbles where she talks intelligently about many things.

You can check out all of her books here.

If you like ghost stories you definitely want to check out her latest novel: The Burning Web. It's one of those really spooky novels that have you seeing shadows out of the corner of your eye :).

If you sign up to The Wittegen Press Newsletter you get to try her writing for free too; Curse of A Banshee is an awesome contemporary fantasy novella and you'll get that as well as one of mine called Assassin's Blood (paranormal intrigue) as soon as you confirm your membership.

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  1. They are so gorgeous!! I've forgotten how to crochet a square, even! Beautiful. Love Kris. X

    1. I always lose count when I try to crochet and end up with wonky things :). Soph is much better at it than me as you can see.

  2. Very cool! I can crochet blankets... but not extraordinarily well. I'm in awe of anyone who can crochet/knit/whatever on the fly. Sisters are awesome!

    1. Sisters are indeed awesome :). I'm not sure I could even crochet blankets, I'd probably end up with a wonky diamond shaped thing. I always did when we had to knit squares as children.


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