
Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Fantastic Macaroni Cheese Recipe

Had to share this because it's so easy and it's a Nigella Express recipe. I made it last night for the second time and it really is to die for.

The full amount will serve ~3 as a main dish and 4 as a side. I made it and then froze half and we had it as a side dish with some chicken - it was lovely.


  • 250g macaroni (it says that's 4 cups cooked on this site)
  • 250g strong cheese (2 cups grated) - I used mature cheddar
  • 250ml/1 cup evaporated milk
  • 2 large eggs
  • grating of nutmeg
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Cook the macaroni until tender as instructed on the packet.
  2. Mix the cheese, milk, eggs and nutmeg together in a bowl. If you didn't buy the cheese pre-grated (I know, pre-grated is lazy, but so easy) then you can pop everything in the food processor and whizz it all up together. No need for hand grating unless you have to.
  3. Drain the pasta and put it back in the saucepan.
  4. Add the other ingredients and mix, add salt and pepper to taste (be aware the cheese is relatively salty so you won't need much of that).
  5. Now I let mine cool down now because I made it in advance (and pasta is better for you reheated or cold)
  6. When ready to eat, pre-heat the oven to 220C/428F/7Gas or 210C/410F Fan assisted
  7. Put the mixture into a shallow, oven proof dish.
  8. Cook the macaroni cheese for 10-15 mins until browning slightly (it only took mine 10 mins). If you cook it too long it will go dry, so ere on the side of caution. Mine was nowhere near as browned as the image above, but it was colouring gently.
  9. Eat :D
I know most of my US friends are probably used to making macaroni cheese all the time, but I'd never made it before I found this recipe. Now I am never eating it out of a can again! The longest part was waiting for the pasta to cook and then waiting for the oven - so very, very easy. This is soft and fluffy and basically, heaven :).

Anyone have any recipes for mac and cheese that are a must have, or other pasta favourites?


  1. I saw the title to this post and wondered if I was going to regret reading this because it made me hungry. Yeah, I kinda do. LOL!

    1. It does rather make one want to reach for the pasta, doesn't it ;)


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