
Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Supernatural AtoZ - We're looking for blogs who have a supernatural theme for their AtoZ this year

  1. Are you doing the AtoZChallenge?
  2. Do you have a theme?
  3. Is that theme something supernatural like demons, vampires, ghosts, spirits, werewolves, monsters or anything like that?
If the answer's yes to all of the above, then we'd love for you to join out list. 

On theme reveal day a few of us realised we had chosen supernatural themes for our AtoZ and since it is a niche we thought why not link up so we could find all the other supernatural posts out there? If you fit the criteria we'd love to add you too.
  • You can add yourself to the list using the "Add your link" button at the bottom of the post. (new additions are open until April 16th)
  • Then we simply ask that you link back to us somewhere. 
We doubt the list will be hugely long, so you could add that to your posts ( get the InLinkz code to add to your blog )

or you could link back using the code in the textarea below which is just the image and a link as shown below the textarea:

Supernatural AtoZ

If you're not sure if you fit, then just drop a comment and ask :)

get the InLinkz code to add to your blog


  1. Hi Tasha .. that sounds creative .. but I don't fall into that slot - mind you after the storms we've had and my theme of British coasts .. I'm sure some mermaids or mermen or even ghosts and ghouls will have been thrown up out of the sea in thunderous waves ... It'll be fun to red them and you should get quite a few.. cheers Hilary

    1. Thanks so much for visiting. Yes, I imagine the storms will have thrown up very interesting things :)

  2. Love the graphic. Gotta grab that one now.

    1. Cool :) I hope it doesn't clash with anyone's layout scheme. :).

  3. Ooh! A list within the list. I love it! I would totally join up if I hadn't decided to go the inspirational route. Next year?

  4. That's my kind of list. My theme was flash fiction and I'm not sure how many have supernatural aspects. Not as many as last year. That kind of makes me sad. What was I thinking? lol

    1. Supernatural flash fic is awesome - I once did an entire MMOM where every fic was a creature fic. That was 31 because it was posting every day in May. Diversity is good too, though :)

  5. Hello! I was just tipped to your lovely mini-hop by Timothy Brannan and have signed up. :) Though, I'm not sure why there's a weird spacing issue with my name on the list. Sorry about that. :/

    Looking forward to reading everyone's posts during the challenge. :)

    1. Welcome aboard - I'm so looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with. I can't see any issues in the list, maybe it was just a momentary thing?

  6. Tim tipped me off to this one as well, so I thought I'd drop in. :) My theme isn't 100% supernatural (I'm talking about some of my favorite characters in general), but a fair few of them are supernatural in's was a character from the show Supernatural. lol So I guess I fit. ^_~

  7. I wish I knew about it. Would have loved to try my words for supernatural writing, I will write something soon.

  8. This mini-hop has been so much fun!


Thank you so much for reading. I love to hear from people. Please leave your comments below.