
Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Guest Blogging at the A to Z

Hello to one and all, I hope you are all well on this lovely sunny Wednesday.

Today I am lucky enough to have a guest blog up at the wonderful Blogging from A to Z Challenge site.

For those who don't know the A to Z challenge happens yearly in April and all the bloggers who sign up post daily (except for Sundays), utilising each letter of the alphabet in turn. If you would like to see mine just my reflections post with links to all my A to Z posts is here. It's a great way to meet new people.

So, back to my guest post. I have chosen to blog about fanfiction because it is a subject close to my heart and seems to be a very hot topic at the moment. You can find my guest post at the following link.


  1. Hi Tasha .. fascinating post over at the A-Z site .. loved reading and learning a smidgeon about FanFiction ...

    Cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you :). I have been a fanficer for so many years and I do enjoy sharing the love. Thank you very much for your kind comments.

  2. You might or might not enjoy the blog
    I'm a team member there. We write fan fiction mashups of all kinds. The site was born due to our fearless leader's hatred of a certain movie, which she felt destroyed the series.
    I'm going to direct her to your post. While all of us love what we do, most of us feel like pariahs to a degree for our enjoyment of writing fan fiction. So when I read your post, I knew that we freaks were not alone in the Multiverse!

    1. Thank you for the link, I shall check it out. :)

      Never feel like a pariah for writing fanfiction - it is a wonderful creative act and anyone who says different is, frankly, wrong. I've been writing fanfic since I was 11 and I intend to keep doing so until I'm 111 even if one day I manage to sell millions of original books (a girl can dream ;)). Fanfic freaks unite!


Thank you so much for reading. I love to hear from people. Please leave your comments below.