
Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Fantasy Boys XXX Drabble Cascade #1 - Word: Question

So this is for the Drabble Cascade being hosted by FB3X. To see all those participating and to read their drabbles, check out the linked list at the bottom of the post. I'm doing three drabbles this week, one at FB3X, one here and a fanfic one on my LJ. The cascade will run all week, so please join in.

The One Never Asked
by Natasha Duncan-Drake

Jess put down the gun she was cleaning and looked over to the grizzled man who had been her mentor and occasional lover since she was eighteen. They were the best bounty hunting team on the west coast and had been for ten years.

"Why do you do it?" she asked the one question she had never dared before.

A man had shot her daddy and then Bill has rolled into town, taking down the bad guy; she had a reason and Bill had to have a reason too.

"Someone has to," was not the response she had hoped for.

FB3X Drabble Cascade #1 - Word of the Week: question (thanks to Alix Nowarra for the inspiration)
Join in the cascade, post a drabble inspired by our word of the week to your own blog, or website, add this list to the bottom of it by copying and pasting in the code from here and then add a link to your post to the list.


  1. hmm feels like a little snapshot from a far bigger story

    1. I think a lot of drabbles are like that, they give a view on a world and then only let people have a tantalising glimpse. Thinking about it, they're kind of evil :).

  2. I agree with meep. Someone should write the bigger story. hmmm?

    1. The only problem is there are not enough hours in the day :).

  3. Interesting, I wonder how much prodding she's going to have to do to get a real answer.

    1. Quite a bit probably, you know how tight lipped some people can be :)


Thank you so much for reading. I love to hear from people. Please leave your comments below.