
Friday, 31 March 2023

It's Free Fiction Friday!

Free Fiction Friday in dark red with white outline over black background - Save a Cat, Bag a Boyfriend - of Psychics & Vampires in black on a white rectangle next to a book cover showing a young rock star with a guitar and the same title

It's Free Fiction Friday!

Greetings Lovelies!

Every month, usually the last Friday, I give away an original short story/novelette to all the members of my newsletter.

This month we have a paranormal romance with psychics and vampires and a rock band.

If you're not a member of the newsletter, don't worry, all the details of how to get your hands on the book are included in the final welcome email once you sign up, and the coupon is valid until 01-May-23.

Save a Cat, Bag a Boyfriend: Of Psychics & Vampires

Maisie is psychic. This is often a pain in her behind, but no matter how innocuous her visions may seem, they always have a reason. When the universe sees fit to guide her to rescuing a cat, it leads her into a situation that not only might gain her a boyfriend, but one which has a rock band and vampires as well. Romance and excitement await but so does danger. (Het with a gay side pairing)
young intense male rock star with light brown wavy hair staring at the camera holding a guitar - Natasha Duncan-Drake, Save a Cat Bag a Boyfriend - of Psychics & Vampires over the top in white and pink

For those just wishing to pick up a copy, here are the book site links:

If you would like to see a narrated, snapshot, very condensed version of this story, check it out on my YouTube channel, Tales with Tasha as a series of shorts (1min vids). The first one is below:

Many thanks for checking it out.๐Ÿ’–

Check Out My Fiction YouTube Channel

Tales with Tasha - YouTube

Each week we have a theme and so there will be something for all tastes.
  • ๐ŸŽคMicro stories as YouTube Shorts Monday - Thursday - for fun quick viewing
  • ๐Ÿ•ฎA longer story every Friday - for story time, over coffee or before going to bed

Tasha's Social Media

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Receive 2 FREE eBooks just for signing up and a free short story once every month on Free Fiction Friday.

Two books covers - one with a woman firing guns above the title "Assassin's Blood" the other with a woman screaming and glowing with the title "Curse of a Banshee"

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