
Friday, 29 November 2013

It's my blog's 2nd birthday (well it was yesterday) and Wittegen Press Announces Advent Giveaway

I saw Soph posting over at her blog about her 2 year Blogversary and I realised it's mine too :D. I first posted on this blog on the 28th November 2011 so I'm a day late, but I'm still going to celebrate. I am totally nicking the piccie idea from Soph BTW.

Now on to the bit I suspect you're interested in.

The Wittegen Press Advent Giveaway

Every day during Advent (1st - 24th Dec) Wittegen Press will be giving away a different eBook. Soph and I will be hosting the giveaway on our blogs using simple Rafflecopter entries. Added to this there will be a chance to win all 24 eBooks in one big competition between Christmas and New Year: just check out each day's blog posts to collect letters of a message you'll need to enter.

Make sure to check back every day in Dec on the run up to Christmas for a chance to win because each giveaway will only be open for that day.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

I did it, I won NaNoWriMo :D

And I'm a couple of days early this year - yay. The novel isn't complete yet, it's going to end up about 70-80k wds I think, but the main body 50k is now there. I'm going to keep doing the daily word count thing in Dec to finish it, but I have a couple of other things I need to get to before I do that.

I've really enjoyed Nano this year. I've had such fun with this novel, learning who the characters are, creating their universe and adding in everything they need for their adventure. I know there are a couple of small things I need to change, but other than that I'm really happy with it.

Eli and Lance have really come to life and I like them a lot. Considering that they have spent two years wallowing in the ideas folder I'm ecstatic on the way they are turning out. I should have started writing them ages ago!

Still haven't thought of a title though. So far the only one I have it "Diamond of the Apocalypse", but I think that might be over dramatic :). Not sure though - I am sure it will come to me eventually.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Kitty in front of the fire :)

Turns out Amber likes out fire. We lit it for the first time this weekend and she sprawled out in front of it. She also sat on the sofa with us for the first time :).

Saturday, 2 November 2013

NanoWriMo - day 2 - going well do far :)

So nano is going well so far. I have completed my word count for both days and have lots of ideas to keep going. At this point I am pacing myself because I don't want to burn out. The novel idea is still percolating in the back of my brain so I don't want to run out of what I know before the rest has had a chance to grow :).

Was nattering to Rob about it over breakfast this morning and he gave me a wonderful idea for the spaceship :).
Hope everything is going well for all my NanoWriMo friends too.

BTW if anyone wants a copy of my variable Nano spreadsheet it's here: Word Count Spreadsheet.

It does the same things as the Nano stats page, but allows you to have:
  • a variable number of days, 
  • a variable word count 
  • a total before start date (so if you have some scenes already written that are not part of your word count you don't have to try and remember to take that off every time you update your total).
Here's a screen grab of what the sheet looks like.